Phy 201
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Question Form_labelMessages **
Test 1 specifics
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In a previous 'submit question form' I requested to see what I got wrong on Test 1, and to possibly re-work those questions to improve my grade. Per your instructions, I emailed you about this twice and have not heard back. The original question form is below:
question form
Phy 201
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Question Form_labelMessages **
Test 1 results
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Is there a way you can show me the questions I got wrong on Test 1, and the correct responses with them? I want to be as prepared as possible for the final exam coming up.
Also, can you give me an indication of my lab and portfolio grades so far? I'm assuming that since I submit all of the assignments and submit revisions when necessary, then I should have full credit for everything.
You do have full credit for everything you have submitted.
Please email me with a request for the specifics of your test. I'll be glad to provide them.
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Can you tell me what problems I got wrong on Test ?. Would it be possible for me to correct my own answers and re-submit to get some credit back?
I'm sorry for the delay, but I had to sort tests carefully in order to organize everything before pulling anything out of the stack.
I should be able to provide you feedback tomorrow. This won't be difficult or take long, since your errors were relatively minor.
If you do well on the last two tests your score on the second test is unlikely to make any difference in your final grade. However if you wish you would be welcome to take another Test 1. I would count the higher of the two grades.
You've obviously worked very hard in this course, and you are doing very well. I'll look forward to seeing your work on Test 2 and the final.