question form


Phy 121

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

Quiz grade and plan to wrap up

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Good afternoon Prof Smith

Has my quiz been graded yet? I'll be taking test 2 tomorrow(July 18th), test 3 next week, and the final by Wednesday Aug 1st. I'll be on vacation with my family next week(well, they'll be on vacation. i'll be doing physics). Can you recall any test sites that have been approved in the Outer Banks, NC area(might save me some searching time)? If not off the top of your head, I'll find something that suits the regulations. I'll be wrapping up labs next week too. I sent this via submit question form as well.

thanks in advance


Per the note I just made on the preceding posting, your test hasn't yet been received. I usually don't start worrying about that until at least a week has passed.

I'm not aware of any sites in North Carolina. Most state schools charge out-of-state students for proctoring.

In any case Test 2 and the final really go together pretty well, and it probably wouldn't be a problem for you to wait until you get back to do Test 2. You could even take Test 2 and the final on the same day, if you and your proctor have time. Any arrangement is OK on my end.
