course phy201 ۔|U~qRΰաGassignment #034
12:29:53 Query Class Notes #33 Why do we say that a pendulum obeys a linear restoring force law F = - k x for x small compared to pendulum length?
RESPONSE --> As you said in the class notes: If the angle of the pendulum with the vertical is small, practically all of its displacement back to the equilibrium position will be in the x direction. We can therefore assume that the displacement in the y direction is small enough to be neglected.
12:30:15 ** The vertical component of the tension in the string is equal to the weight m * g of the pendulum. At angle `theta from equilibrium we have T cos(`theta) = m * g so T = m * g / cos(`theta). The horizontal component of the tension is the restoring force. This component is T sin(`theta) = m * g * sin(`theta) / cos(`theta) = m * g * tan(`theta). For small angles tan(`theta) is very close to `theta, assuming `theta to be in radians. Thus the horizontal component is very close to m * g * `theta. The displacement of the pendulum is L * sin(`theta), where L is pendulum length. Since for small angles sin(`theta) is very close to `theta, we have for small displacements x = displacement = L * `theta. Thus for small displacements (which implies small angles) we have to very good approximation: displacement = x = L `theta so that `theta = x / L, and restoring force = m * g * `theta = m * g * x / L = ( m*g/L) * x. **
RESPONSE --> It was helpful to this this concept illustrated mathematically as well.
12:49:20 What does simple harmonic motion have to do with a linear restoring force of the form F = - k x?
RESPONSE --> This equation describes how the restoring force seen with SHM is always opposite in direction to the displacement. The force and displacement change simultaneously as each cycle repeats.
12:57:53 ** the essential relationship is F = - k x; doesn't matter if it's a pendulum, a mass on an ideal spring, or any other system where net force is a negative constant multiple of the displacement from equilibrium. F = m * a = m * x'', so F = - k x means that m * x'' = - k x. The only functions whose second derivatives are constant negative multiples of the functions themselves are the sine and cosine functions. We conclude that x = A sin(`omega t) + B cos(`omega t), where `omega = `sqrt(k/m). For appropriate C and `phi, easily found by trigonometric identities, A sin(`omega t) + B cos(`omega t) = C sin(`omega t + `phi), showing that SHM can be modeled by a point moving around a reference circle of appropriate radius C, starting at position `phi when t = 0. **
RESPONSE --> The calculus is N/A for me, but I do see now how I could have also included an explanation of how SHM models a reference circle, which you mathematically illustrated with A sin(`omega t) + B cos(`omega t) = C sin(`omega t + `phi)
12:58:50 For a simple harmonic oscillator of mass m subject to linear net restoring force F = - kx, what is the angular velocity `omega of the point on the reference circle?
RESPONSE --> `omega=`sqrt(k/m)
12:58:54 STUDENT RESPONSE: omega= sqrt (k/m) INSTRUCTOR COMMENT: Good. Remember that this is a very frequently used relationship for SHM, appearing in one way on another in a wide variety of problems.
13:03:17 If the angular position of the point on the reference circle is given at clock time t by `theta = `omega * t, then what is the x coordinate of that point at clock time t?
RESPONSE --> As you said in the synopsis, The detailed motion can be described by the equation x(t) = A cos( omega * t ), where A is the maximum displacement from equilibrium.
13:03:21 since theta=omega t, if we know t we find that x = radius * cos(theta) or more specifically in terms of t x = radius*cos(omega*t)
13:13:36 Query introductory problem set 9, #'s 1-11 If we know the restoring force constant, how do we find the work required to displace the oscillator from its equilibrium position to distance x = A from that position? How could we use this work to determine the velocity of the object at its equilibrium position, provided we know its mass?
RESPONSE --> Solve .5mv^2=.5kA^2 for v=A * `sqrt(k/m)
13:13:42 ** You can use the work 1/2 k A^2 and the fact that the force is conservative to conclude that the max PE of the system is 1/2 k A^2. This PE will have transformed completely into KE at the equilibrium point so that at the equilibrium point KE = .5 m v^2 = .5 k A^2. We easily solve for v, obtaining v = `sqrt(k/m) * A. ** STUDENT COMMENT: I'm a little confused by that 1/2 k A^2. INSTRUCTOR RESPONSE: That is the PE at x = A. To directly reason out the expression PE = .5 k A^2 we proceed as follows: PE = work done by system in moving from equilibirum * displacement = fAve * `ds. The force exerted on the system at position x = A is -k A. The force exerted at position x = 0 is 0. Force changes linearly with position. So the average force exerted on the system is ( 0 - kA) / 2 = -1/2 k A. The force exerted by the system is equal and opposite, so fAve = 1/2 k A. The displacement from x = 0 to x = A is `ds = A - 0 = A. We therefore have PE = fAve `ds = 1/2 k A * A = 1/2 k A^2. This is also the area beneath the F vs. x graph between x = 0 and x = A. That region is a triangle with base A and altitude k A so its area is 1/2 base * height = 1/2 k A^2.
13:14:35 Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced
RESPONSE --> Insights include understanding how SHM can be illustrated with a circle.
13:14:39 as a result of this assignment.