Mth 272
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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Mr. Smith
Will test 7 be a exam of what all we have learned this year or will it be a test on chapther 7. The assignment only cover the first section in chapter 7
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The Assignments page was incorrectly linked, but that's no fault of yours.
I have added two more assignments to next week's work, but can't reasonably add anything beyond that.
On the Chapter 7 test, then, you'll only be responsible for those parts covered in the assignments as presently posted. You're welcome to go further into Chapter 7, and I'll give you extra credit if you do so, but it won't be required.
I don't know if you'll be making use of this material in your future education, but if so I urge you to complete the rest of Chapter 7. I'll be glad to receive your work at any time in the future (as long as I'm around, of course), answer questions, etc..