Assignment 9 Query


course Phy 122

2/11 11 am

009. `query 9

Question: prin phy and gen phy problem 15.19 What is the maximum efficiency of a heat engine operating between temperatures of 380 C and 580 C?


Your Solution:

380 C + 273 K = 653 K

580 C + 273 K = 853 K

853 K - 653 K = 200 K

200 K / 853 K = 0.23

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Given Solution:

The maximum possible efficiency is (T_h - T_c) / T_h, where T_h and T_c are the absolute max and min operating temperatures.

T_h is (580 + 273)K = 853 K and T_c is (380 + 273) K = 653 K, so the maximum theoretical efficiency is

max efficiency = (T_h - T_c) / T_h = (853 K - 653 K) / (853 K) = .23, approx.

This means that the work done by this engine will be not greater than about 23% of the thermal energy that goes into it.

Your Self-Critique:OK

I believe this was the only problem that I had to do for this set.

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