Exp 2

course phy 201

This expierment was to observe the PE gain and loss on a two ramp system. I set up two ramps 31 cm in length and 3.1 cm off the table top so that the ball continuously rolls from one ramp to the other until coming to rest. The ball has a mass of 16g. It was released from Left to right at the highest point on ramp 1 (3.1 cm). It rolled over onto ramp 2 achieving a maximum height of 2.6 cm and a maximum heigth of 2.2 cm as it rolls back onto ramp one. It then goes back to ramp 2 with a max heigth of 1.7 cm. I took all of the max heigths of the ball including the one from rest and put them into the equation of PE=mgh and found the potential energy the had at each instant. the values are (3.1cm, .0049J), (2.6,.0041), (2.2,.0035), (1.7,.0027). I also calculated that from rest over to the second ramp it gained 83.67% of its PE back, from two back to one it gained 85.366% of its previous PE back, and on the last run it gained about 77.142 % of its PE back. I took those three percents and averaged them together to get the conclusion that the ball loses about 18% of its previous PE when traveling from one ramp to another set at this heigth. Most of this energy is discipated due to friction.

Good work. Let me know if you have questions.