asst 2

You appear to be doing fine here. Not all the information came through (see my note on asst 1 about the process of using the program), but enough did come through to show me that you understand these ideas well enough to proceed with the text assignments.

Note that after completing the text assignments you should run the Query and submit the file created by that program. The file will read just SEND.TXT and will not include your name in the title. Likely you've already done the Queries and simply didn't include those files.

Student Name: assignment #002



02:47:22 Note that there are 2 questions in this assignment.

`q001. We can represent the collection consisting of the letters a, b, c, d, e, f by a circle in which we write these letters. If we have another collection consisting of the letters a, c, f, g, k, we could represent it also by a circle containing these letters. If both collections are represented in the same diagram, then since the two collections have certain elements in common the two circles should overlap.

Sketch a diagram with two overlapping circles. The two circles will create four regions (click below on 'Next Picture'). The first region is the region where the circles overlap. The second region is the one outside of both circles. The third region is the part of the first circle that doesn't include the overlap. The fourth region is the part of the second circle that doesn't include the overlap. Number these regions with the Roman numerals I (the overlap), II (first circle outside overlap), III (second circle outside overlap) and IV (outside both circles).

Let the first circle contain the letters in the first collection and let the second circle contain the letters in the second collection, with the letters common to both circles represented in the overlapping region.

Which letters, if any, go in region I, which in region II, which in region III and which in region IV?


RESPONSE --> Region I- a,c,f Region II- b,d,e Region III- g,k Region IV- none



02:54:56 `q002. Suppose that we have a total of 35 people in a room. Of these, 20 have dark hair and 15 have bright eyes. There are 8 people with dark hair and bright eyes.

Draw two circles, one representing the dark-haired people and the other representing the bright-eyed people. Represent the dark-haired people without bright eyes by writing this number in the part of the first circle that doesn't include the overlap (region II). Represent the number of bright-eyed people without dark hair by writing this number in the part of the second circle that doesn't include the overlap (region III). Write the appropriate number in the overlap (region I).

How many people are included in the first circle, and how many in the second?

How many people are included in both circles?

How many of the 35 people are not included in either circle?


RESPONSE --> Enter, as appropriate, an answer to the question, a critique of your answer in response to a given answer, your insights regarding the situation at this point, notes to yourself, or just an OK. I understood the picture q'002 and the regions. the next question came right up under the answer, so I hope that I am doing this right. Answer to question 2- 20 people are included in the first circle, 15 included in the second circle. 35 people are included in both circles.

All people are included, with region I having 8, Region II having 12, and region III having 7. Always critique your solutions by describing any insights you had or errors you makde, and by explaining how you can make use of the insight or how you now know how to avoid certain errors. Also pose for the instructor any question or questions that you have related to the problem or series of problems.



02:56:10 `q002. Suppose that we have a total of 35 people in a room. Of these, 20 have dark hair and 15 have bright eyes. There are 8 people with dark hair and bright eyes.

Draw two circles, one representing the dark-haired people and the other representing the bright-eyed people. Represent the dark-haired people without bright eyes by writing this number in the part of the first circle that doesn't include the overlap (region II). Represent the number of bright-eyed people without dark hair by writing this number in the part of the second circle that doesn't include the overlap (region III). Write the appropriate number in the overlap (region I).

How many people are included in the first circle, and how many in the second?

How many people are included in both circles?

How many of the 35 people are not included in either circle?


RESPONSE --> Region I has 8, Region II has 12, and Region III has 7. 20 included the first circle, 15 included in second circle.



02:57:22 Of the 20 dark-haired people in the preceding example, 8 also have bright eyes. This leaves 12 dark-haired people for that part of the circle that doesn't include the overlap (region I).

The 8 having both dark hair and bright eyes will occupy the overlap (region I).

Of the 15 people with bright eyes, 8 also have dark hair so the other 7 do not have dark hair, and this number will be represented by the part of the second circle that doesn't include the overlap (region III).

We have accounted for 12 + 8 + 7 = 27 people. This leaves 35-27 = 8 people who are not included in either of the circles. The number 8 can be written outside the two circles (region IV) to indicate the 8 people who have neither dark hair nor bright eyes (click below on 'Next Picture').


RESPONSE --> I made the mistake of counting the 8 people, and not seeing trhat they were outside of the circles.


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03:02:08 `q001. Note that there are 5 questions in this assignment.

Again we have a total of 35 people in a room. Of these, 20 have dark hair and 15 have bright eyes. There are 8 people with dark hair and bright eyes.

Let A stand for the collection of people who have dark hair and B for the collection who have bright eyes. The Intersection of these two collections is denoted A ^ B, and stands for the collection of all people who have both dark hair and bright eyes. The Union of these two collections is denoted A U B, and stands for the collection of all people who have at least one of these characteristics.

In terms of the diagram you made for the preceding problem, describe the collection A ^ B and the collection A U B. Give the number of people in each of these collections (these numbers are designated by the notation n ( A ^ B) and n(A U B) ). Refer to the diagrams you have made.


RESPONSE --> A ^ B stands for the previous section I, with the 8, while nA U B stands for sections I, II, and III all together. That number is 12+8+7.



03:02:54 The collection A ^ B consists of all the people with both dark hair and bright eyes, which corresponds to the overlap between the two circles (region I). There are 8 people in this overlap, so we say n(A ^ B) = 8.

The collection A U B consists of all the people who have least one of the characteristics. This would include the 12 people with dark hair but not bright eyes, located in the first circle but outside the overlap (region II); plus the 7 people with bright eyes but not dark hair, located in the second circle but outside the overlap (region III); plus the 8 people with both characteristics, located in the overlap (region I). Thus we include the 12 + 8 + 7 = 27 people who might be located anywhere within the two circles.


RESPONSE --> I understood this, and drew the daigram properly on my paper.



03:05:06 `q002. Continuing the preceding example, we let A' stand for the people who are not in the collection A, and we let B' stand for the people who are not in the collection B.

What are the characteristics of the people in A', and what characterizes people in B' ? What are n(A ') and n(B '), the numbers of people in A' and B' ?


RESPONSE --> The characterictics are that all are included in the total picture, while those in A' are not included in A, and those in B' are not included in B. The numbers are 12, 8, and 7.



03:06:58 A U B consists of everyone having at least one of the characteristics (dark hair, bright eyes), and is represented by the numbers in the two circles (regions I, II, III). ( A U B ) ' consists of the people who do not have at least one of the characteristics, and is represented by the number outside both circles (region IV). This number is 8, representing the 8 people who have neither dark hair nor bright eyes.

A ^ B stands for all the people with both of the two characteristics (represented by the overlap, region I), so ( A ^ B ) ' stands for all the people who do not have both of the two characteristics (represented by everything outside region I, or regions II, III and IV). [ Note that (A ^ B)' is not the same as the collection of people who have neither characteristic. Anyone who does not have both characteristics will be in ( A ^ B ) ' . ] ( A ^ B )' must include those who have neither characteristic, and also those who have only one of the characteristics.

The 8 people outside both circles, the 12 people in the first circle but outside the overlap, and the 7 people in the second circle but outside the overlap all lack at least one characteristic to, so these 8 + 12 + 7 = 27 people make up( A ^ B ) '.


RESPONSE --> Enter, as appropriate, an answer to the question, a critique of your answer in response to a given answer, your insights regarding the situation at this point, notes to yourself, or just an OK. I understand, but am not getting the answers to come up properly on the screen. Now, to my left is the answer to the next to last question. Always critique your solutions by describing any insights you had or errors you makde, and by explaining how you can make use of the insight or how you now know how to avoid certain errors. Also pose for the instructor any question or questions that you have related to the problem or series of problems.



03:08:26 `q004. How many people are in A ' U B ', and how could those people be characterized? Answer the same for A ' ^ B '.


RESPONSE --> A' U B' would represent 27, with at least one of the characteristics, while A ^ B would be 8.
