Applied Calculus II Asst # 28 08-30-2006
Applied Calculus II Asst # 29 08-01-2006
**** Query problem 7.4.50 (was 7.4.46) slope in x direction and y direction for z=x^2-y^2 at (-2,1,3)
13:58:02 x direction: -4 y direction: -2
**** What is the slope in the x direction at the given point? Describe specifically how you obtained your result.
13:58:34 -4 i found the partial derivative equaling to 2x and then used the point -2 and multiplied giving -4
**** What is the slope in the y direction at the given point? Describe specifically how you obtained your result.
13:59:00 -2 i calculated the partial derivative to equal -2y and used the point 1 giving -2
**** Query problem 7.4.65 (was 7.4.61) all second partials of ln(x-y) at (2,1)
14:08:01 fx = 1/x fy= -1/y fxx=1/-x^2 fyy=1/y^2 fxy=-1/x^2 fyx=1/y^2
**** What is fxx at the given point?
14:08:11 1/-x^2
**** What is fyx at the given point?
14:08:18 1/y^2
**** What is fxy at the given point?
14:08:25 -1/x^2
**** What is fyy at the given point?
14:08:32 1/y^2
**** What is fx at the given point?
14:08:36 1/x
**** What is fy at the given point?
14:08:42 -1/y
**** Query problem 7.4.68 R = 200 x1 + 200 x2 - 4x1^2 - 8 x1 x2 - 4 x2^2; R is revenue, x1 and x2 production of plant 1 and plant 2
14:12:13 plant 1 and plant 2 at 72
**** What is the marginal revenue for plant 1?
14:12:54 i got the partial derivative to get 200-8x1 - 8x2 to equal 72
**** What is the marginal revenue for plant 2?
14:13:09 i did the same and got the same expression and 72
**** Why should the marginal revenue for plant 1 be the partial derivative of R with respect to x1?
14:14:22 marginal means to take the derivative of the total in this case revenue. both plant 1 and 2 are involved in the total revenue hence using partial derivatives helps separate each plant
**** Why, in real-world terms, might the marginal revenue for each plant depend upon the production of the other plant?
14:16:27 they both are selling the same over the counter medicine. so in competition they would want to sell equal amounts in the long run even to have a profit of 0
**** What is is about the function that ensures that the marginal revenue for each plant will depend on the production of both plants?
14:16:46 200-8x1-8x2