course Mth 151
Your solution, attempt at solution. If you are unable to attempt a solution, give a phrase-by-phrase interpretation of the problem along with a statement of what you do or do not understand about it. This response should be given, based on the work you did in completing the assignment, before you look at the given solution.
013. Negation
Question: `q001. There are 5 questions in this set.
Two statements are said to be negations of one another if exactly one of the statements must be true. This means that if one statement is true the other must be false, and if one statement is false the other must be true. What statement is the negation of the statement 'all men are over six feet tall'?
Your solution:
Some men are over 6 feet tall.
Question: `q002. What is the negation of the statement 'some men are over six feet tall?’
Your solution:
Some men are not over six feet tall.
Question: `q003. As seen in the preceding two questions, the negation of a statement that says 'all are' or 'all do' is 'some aren't' or 'some don't', and the negation of a statement that says 'some are' or 'some do' is 'all aren't' or 'none are', or 'all do not' or 'none do'. Each of the following statements can be expressed as and 'all' statement or a 'some' statement. Identify which is which and give the negation of each statement:
1. Every dog has its day.
2. Some roses are black.
3. Every attempt fails.
4. In some cases the desired outcome isn't attained.
Your solution:
All dogs do have its day
Some roses are black
Some attempts fail.
In some cases the desired outcome isn’t attained
Question: `q004. Negate the following statements:
1. No roses are black.
2. Some roses are not black.
3. There were Dodo birds that weren't stupid.
4. There were never turtles that weren't slow.
Your solution:
Some roses are black.
Some roses are not black.
There were Dodo birds that were stupid.
There were turtles that were slow.
Question: `q005. Negate each of the following:
• Some mammals have fur.
• All furry animals are cuddly.
Your solution:
Some mammals have fur.
Some furry animals are cuddly.