Mth 174
Your 'test taken' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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Mth 174 - Test 1
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UVa-Wise Library
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Mr. Smith,
I would like for you to return detailed feedback and will likely use today's test as a practice test.
Also, the proctor told me after the test that I was NOT supposed to work my problems out on separate sheets of paper. I did not complete any calculations on the printed test itself as I am wordy with my answers and did not think I would have room.
She stated I was not supposed to do that. I don't feel like there's adequate room on the test print-out to complete many of the calculations. Can you clarify that for me and e-mail them the same clarification?
I do have detailed feedback on your test. There has been a glitch with the Blackboard gradebook, and I'll have to share that info with you tomorrow.
I thought it was on the test form, but the instruction to use additional pages if you need them, and staple them into the tests in order, is apparently not there.
Email me about this tomorrow.