melting snow

20-31=-11C change in temperature for the water.

20-0=20C change in temperature for the snow.

We then ended up with 160mL of snow/water mixture, which can also be stated 160 grams of snow/water mixture.

The question was how many Joules to melt 1 gram of ice.

Frozen snow requires about 2J per gram to raise the temperature 1C.

I know that we were using 4.19J, would I still do this or would I use 2J?

2J*150g of water=628.5J/g

628.5J/g * -11C (change in temperature of the liquid water)= -6913.5J/g

This is the energy lost by the water.

It it's water that's losing the energy then it requires 4.19 Joules per gram for every Celsius desgree.

To figure out energy gained by the snow we would have to take

2J * 10grams of snow = 20 Joules of energy gained by snow from the water.

That would be if there was a 1 degree change in the frozen water.

Did the snow change temperature while frozen?

Did the snow change temperature after melting?

What energy change was associated with each?

20 Joules * -11 C (change in temperature of of the water)= -220 Joules of energy gained by snow from water.


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