formula sheet

You need only a few formulas for this course, and I don't allow formula sheets on tests. If you know the basic concepts, as I believe you do, you can work from a very small list of formulas.

If compile the list of formulas you think you will need, how the glad to take a look and suggest ways to reduce the number (e.g., many formulas are easily derivable from more basic formulas and/or from definitions, and I can advise you on specific strategies).

I did have one course as an undergraduate (an advanced undergrad course in atomic and nuclear physics) on which the instructor permitted a short formula sheet. There are a lot of formulas in that course. Once I made up my list and pared it down to fit the requirements, I found that I no longer needed it; I did take it with me but never bothered to look at it during the test. A similar strategy is likely to work for you.