course phy 231
course phy 231
Brief pendulum experimentUses: washer, thread, analog clock, ruler or meter stick
Construct a pendulum using washer and thread. Make 1-minute counts for pendulum lengths (measured from the position at which the thread is held to the center of the washer) equal to three different lengths:
• the the distance from your wrist to your fingertips
• the distance from your elbow to your fingertips
• the distance from your shoulder to your fingertips
Be sure to measure the length of each pendulum you time.
Report the pendulum lengths and the corresponding numbers of counts:
Wrist to fingers: 8 inches, 63 full swings in 1 minute
Elbow to fingers: 18 inches, 41 full swings
Shoulder to fingers: 28 inches, 35 full swings
Graph your 1-minute count vs. length, and sketch a smooth curve representing the trend of your data.
Using your graph estimate the number of counts for a pendulums of length 52 cm, and another of length 13 inches. Estimate also the lengths corresponding to pendulum counts of 30 and 50.
Using my graph, for 52 cm length, I got 16.3 full swings
Using the graph, for 13 cm length, I got 52 full swings
For 30 counts using the graph, the required length would have to be 31 cm
For 50 counts, the length would have to be
Determine the period of each of your three pendulums, i.e., the time required to complete 1 oscillation. A oscillation is from extreme point through equilibrium to opposite extreme point.
For the 8 cm length, a period was .95 seconds
For the 18 cm length, a period was 1.46 seconds
For the 28 cm length, a period was 1.71 seconds
Inches rather than centimeters, according to your data report; the periods look just about right if lengths are in inches.
Sketch a graph of period vs. length, showing your three points, and sketch a smooth curve to fit your graph.
The curve y=-.0013x^2+.085x+.355 fits well
Use your graph to estimate the period of a pendulum whose length is 26 cm, and also the length for which the period would be 1.2 seconds.
Using the graph for length of 26 cm, the period should be 1.7 seconds
For period of 1.2 seconds, the corresponding length should be 12.2 cm
What is the uncertainty in the number of counts made, and to what do you attribute the uncertainty?
Counts? I’m confused. What do you mean by counts?
You originally counted the number of cycles in a minute, for each length.
What is the approximate average percent uncertainty in your counts?
Do your sources of uncertainty result in the same expected percent uncertainty for all counts?
Good. However see my last note and submit a revision. Only those last three questions need to be answered.
Please see my notes and, unless my notes indicate that revision is optional, submit a copy of this document with revisions and/or questions, and mark your insertions with &&&& (please mark each insertion at the beginning and at the end).
Be sure to include the entire document, including my notes.
If my notes indicate that revision is optional, use your own judgement as to whether a revision will benefit you.