Assignment 1

course Math 152

}Ŕ̈́assignment #001

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001. Sets

Liberal Arts Mathematics II



assignment #001

001. Sets

Liberal Arts Mathematics II




`q002. I have in a room 8 people with dark hair brown, 2 people with bright red hair, and 9 people with light brown or blonde hair. Nobody has more than one hair color. Is it possible that there are exactly 17 people in the room?



{8, 104, 4321}

{3, 35, 89, 357}

confidence assessment: 3




`q003. I have in a room 6 people with dark hair and 10 people with blue eyes. There are only 14 people in the room. But 10 + 6 = 16, which is more than 14. How can this be?



The categories of hair color and eye color have not been said to be mutually exclusive, therefore, one person could have both dark hair and blue eyes thus satisfying both categories in one.

confidence assessment: 2




`q004. In a set of 100 child's blocks 60 blocks are cubical and 40 blocks are cylindrical. 30 of the blocks are red and 20 of the red blocks are cubical. How many of the cylindrical blocks are red?



Subtract 20(cubical) from 30(total red) which leaves 10(cylindrical).

Answer: 10

confidence assessment: 3


assignment #002

002. Representing Sets

Liberal Arts Mathematics II



end of document

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