112 and 113

course Mth 152

11.23.)a.)no b.)(4+3)!=4!+3!=7!=24+6 not true 5040does not equal 30 5.)24 6.)5040 9.)20 10.)360 12.)210 15.)39,916,800 18.)3,603,600 20.)5,765,760 21.)184,756 24.)37,442,160 25.)8 27.)because the number of choices for any particular part is not the same no matter which choices were selected for previous parts, it does not satisfy the uniformity criterion 30.)90,000 33.)6 35.)9 36.)18 39.)24 40.)6 42.)5^20 45.)108 48.)12 50.)720 51.)120 54.)a.)5 b.)2 c.)4 d.)3 e.)2 f.)1 answer=240 55.)a.)3 b.)3 c.)2 d.)2 e.)1 f.)1 answer=36 57.)you don't know how many choices for odd numbers there will be for digit 3 because you don't know if an odd or even have already been chosen for digits 1 and 2


**Your work has been received. Please scroll through the document to see any inserted notes (inserted at the appropriate place in the document, in boldface) and a note at the end. The note at the end of the file will confirm that the file has been reviewed; be sure to read that note. If there is no note at the end, notify the instructor through the Submit Work form, and include the date of the posting to your access page.**



3.)15!/3!12!=455 5.)143,640 6.)240,240 9.)4.361x10^10

10.)8.908x10^21 12.)No. You can't have subsets of 12 if there are only 9 in the given set. 15.)a.)permutation b.)permutation c.)combination

d.)combination e.)permutation f.)combination g.)permutation

18.)5,040 20.)720 21.)6,375,600 24.)42,504 25.)8,568

27.)a.)C(13,5)=1,287 b.)C(26,5)=65,780 c.)0, not possible 30.)720

33.)a.)5 b.)9 35.)175,219,200,000 36.)1,200 39.)139,708,800

40.)a.)203,212,800 b.)3.48x10^11 c.)6,227,020,800 d.)203,212,800

e.)2.299x10^10 42.)a.)9,295 b.)615,560 c.)25,350 45.)1,140 48.)48

50.)a.)36 b.)35 c.)9 d.)8 e.)7 answer=635,040 51.)a.)4,500 b.)27,000

54.)34,220 55.)a.)48 b.)72 57.)12!/9!3! = 12!/3!9! 60.)a.)1 b.)since 0! is equal to 1, any whole number factorial divided by itself factorial then divided by 0!(which = 1)will always equal 1 "

**end of document

**Your assignments should be submitted using the Query program. I can't tell much from a list of answers without the work and reasoning behind them. It is also pointless to send me answers to odd-numbered problems, which I assume have already been checked with the given answers in the back of the book (what I mean is that you should be checking these answers; I give assignments with half even and half odd problems intentionally with this in mind).

If after submitting an assignment (or for that matter while in the process of doing the problems) you have a question on a problem, send me a synopsis of the reasoning process and the details of your solution (or what parts of the solution you've been able to complete), along with any questions you might have, and I'll be glad to comment, clarify, answer questions or help in any way. **
