Phy 201
Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** #$&* Your General Comment **
** #$&* Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks **
My first time was 4.789063. so the timer starts as soon as I open the program and continues running until it is closed. Every time I click I get the current time in seconds that the program has been running and the time difference between clicks.
** #$&*Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks **
1 18.35938 18.35938
2 18.51953 .1601563
3 18.84766 .328125
4 19.02734 .1796875
5 19.16016 .1328125
6 19.32031 .1601563
7 19.46875 .1484375
8 19.60938 .140625
9 19.73828 .1289063
10 19.89063 .1523438
11 20.03906 .1484375
12 20.1875 .1484375
13 20.29688 .109375
14 20.4375 .140625
15 20.59766 .1601563
16 20.73047 .1328125
17 20.89063 .1601563
18 21.02734 .1367188
19 21.1875 .1601563
20 21.32813 .140625
21 21.48828 .1601563
** #$&*Your average time interval for 20 time intervals **
0.1484375 seconds
Since I have my start time and end time I subtract the clock time at event 1 from event 20 and then divide by 20.
** #$&*Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed) **
.109375, 1
.1289063, 1
.1328125, 2
.1367188, 1
.140625, 3
.1484375, 3
.1523438, 1
.1601563, 5
.1796875, 1
.328125, 1
** #$&*Your general comment to this point **
** #$&*Why did you observe only certain time intervals? **
The program has to process your click and then associate that to a time. We also don't know how the timer program is counting. It could be counting by increments instead of continuous. So I think that your clicks just fell into that counting increment. I don't think that the program is flawed, it just isn't as precise as we travel to the right of decimal.
** #$&*What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals? **
This tells me that the time program increments its count by .01563 seconds.
** #$&*Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths: **
Your breathing goes like mine, slowing when you start to pay attention to it. Surprisingly to me, that's not the case with a wide majority of students.
** #$&*Your general comment to this point: **
** #$&*Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice? **
Because our time difference has such a larger difference between the two we have greater chances of not clicking on the same time. By spreading out our clicks we will be less likely to have the same time difference between clicks.
** #$&*Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ... **
I think that it is accurate withing .1 second. Since we are adding .01563 every time we could never get a result containing the answer of .02***. This is why I feel it is accurate to .1 second.
** #$&*Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program. **
series of regular breaths time
event number clock time time interval
1 7.429688 7.429688
2 11.62109 4.191406
3 16.52734 4.90625
** **
25 Minutes
** **
Good responses. See my notes and let me know if you have questions.