seed question 161

course Phy 121

my values for the angles are not matching up to the notes, for example tan-1(3.3/2.1) = 1.004 not the angle of 57.52, where did i go wrong, this was a difficult problem, it wasn't like the examples in the problem set

I expect that your calculator is in radian mode; 1.004 radians is about 57 degrees.

This experiment is designed as preparation for the Force Vectors experiment, and makes use of vector calculations which are based on Intro Set 5.

A rubber band has no tension until it reaches a length of 7.5 cm. Beyond that length its tension increases by .7 Newtons for every additional centimeter of length. What will be its tension if its endpoints are at the points (5 cm, 9 cm) and (10 cm, 17 cm) as measured on an x-y coordinate system?

answer/question/discussion: at 5 cm 0 , at 9cm 1.05N , 10cm 1.75N , 17cm 6.65N

What is the vector from the first point to the second?

answer/question/discussion: y = 1.05 , x = 4 , tan-1(4/1.05) = 1.31

What is the magnitude of this vector?

answer/question/discussion: mag = sort(1.05^2 + 4^2) = 4.14

What vector do you get when you divide this vector by its magnitude? (Specify the x and y components of the resulting vector).

answer/question/discussion: x = 4cos(1.31) = 1.03, y = 4sin(1.31) = 3.86

What vector do you get when you multiply this new vector by the tension?

answer/question/discussion: 4.14*.7 = 2.9

What are the x and y coordinates of the new vector?

answer/question/discussion: x = 2.9cos(1.31) = .75 , y = 2.9sin(1.31) = 2.80

cq1_22_2 solution and discussion

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A rubber band has no tension until it reaches a length of 7.5 cm. Beyond that

length its tension increases by .7 Newtons for every additional centimeter of

length. What will be its tension if its endpoints are at the points (5 cm, 9 cm)

and (10 cm, 17 cm) as measured on an x-y coordinate system?

What is the vector from the first point to the second?

What is the magnitude of this vector?

A vector has magnitude and direction. The vector from (5 cm, 9 cm) to (10 cm, 17

cm) is <5 cm, 8 cm>, indicating a vector with components 5 cm in the x direction

and 8 cm in the y direction.

The magnitude of this vector is sqrt( (5 cm)^2 + (8 cm)^2 ) = sqrt( 89 cm^2) =

9.4 cm, approx..

Its angle is arctan(8 cm / (5 cm) ) = arctan(1.6) = 58 degrees, approx..

What vector do you get when you divide this vector by its magnitude? (Specify

the x and y components of the resulting vector).

If we divide the vector <5 cm, 8 cm> by its magnitude we get <5 cm, 8 cm> /

sqrt(89 cm^2) = < 5 cm / sqrt(89 cm^2), 8 cm / sqrt(89 cm^2) > = <.53, .83>,

approximately. That is, we get a vector with x component .53 and y component

.83. Note that both these components are unitless, since dividing cm by sqrt(cm^2)

yields cm/cm so that the units cancel out.

This vector is 1 unit in length (therefore called a unit vector), and directed

at the same angle as the original vector.

What vector do you get when you multiply this new vector by the tension?

What are the x and y coordinates of the new vector?

The tension is about 1.35 N. Multiplying the vector <.53, .83> by 1.35 N we

obtain the new vector

<.53, .83> * 1.35 N = <.71 N, 1.13 N>, approximately.

This represents a force vector with x and y components .71 N and 1.1 N,

respectively. The magnitude of this vector is the original 1.35 N, and it is

directed at angle arcTan (1.13 N / (.71 N) ) = 58 degrees, approximately.