Your work on ball down ramp has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
the time required to roll the length of the ramp will be the least for the steepest ramp.
the time intervals would decrease from least to greatest slopes.
1 8480.125 1.9375
2 8505 2.0625
3 8534.859 1.9375
4 8560.906 2.109375
5 8580.625 1.828125
6 8599.328 2.046875
7 8626.172 1.890625
8 8675.344 1.90625
9 8694.766 1.734375
10 8726.859 2.15625
1 8726.859 2.15625
2 8817.75 1.828125
3 8839.484 1.375
4 8856.438 1.359375
5 8876.094 1.40625
6 8891.375 1.609375
7 8914.109 1.234375
8 8944.438 1.28125
9 9000.563 1.296875
10 9048.953 1.359375
1 9123.313 .90625
2 9145.797 1.140625
3 9165.484 .953125
4 9192.672 1.265625
5 9227.328 .828125
6 9249.922 1.1875
7 9272.344 1.0625
8 9303.25 1.21875
9 9341.172 .953125
10 9358.203 1
the results support the hypo becasuse as the slopes increased the time decreased.
velocity of the ball is greater with increased slopes. These slopes also allow for less time for the ball to reach the end of the slope with increased velocity.
the height or position of the ramp
with experimentation
Please let me know if you have any questions related to this experiment.