mini experiment 1

Good report, but see my note at the end.

For this experiment I used a marble as my rolling object, my physics book as an incline, a TV remote to prop up the book, and a wrist watch for a timer.The high end of the book was 2cm high,and the length of the roll was 28 1/2cm long. It took a total of 1 sec. for the marble to roll down the book. -the position changed from 2cm to 0cm in position so the change would be 2ds -the incline was 2cm higher at the high end compared to the low end -it took 1 sec. for the marble to go down the ramp so this change would be 1dt - therefore the average rate is = 2ds/1dt

I think I did something wrong because for some reason this doesn't sound right

Right idea but you would say it like this:

The average rate of change of vertical position with respect to clock time is (2 cm) / (1 second) = 2 cm / second.

The average rate of change of position along the actual incline would be (28.5 cm) / (1 second) = 28.5 cm/second.