course Mth 163 I hope this is right!! _d宓_lnwxassignment #001
13:40:17 `q001. Explain the difference between x - 2 / x + 4 and (x - 2) / (x + 4). The evaluate each expression for x = 2.
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment: 3
13:47:40 `q001. Explain the difference between x - 2 / x + 4 and (x - 2) / (x + 4). The evaluate each expression for x = 2.
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment: 3
13:53:07 `q003. What is the numerator of the fraction in the expression x - 3 / [ (2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1 ] - 2 + 7x? What is the denominator? What do you get when you evaluate the expression for x = 2?
RESPONSE --> O.K. this is getting confusing, again.Order of operations is understood, but the order of how to do and ans these questions and in what box is confusing. confidence assessment: 0
14:59:02 `q004. Explain, step by step, how you evaluate the expression (x - 5) ^ 2x-1 + 3 / x-2 for x = 4.
RESPONSE --> (x-5)/\ 2x-1 +3/x-2 X=4 (4-5) /\ 2*4-1 + 3/4 -2 (-1)/\ 8-1 +3/4-2 1-1+3/4-2 1-1.75-2 .75-2 -1.25 When X=4, the expression is -1.25 When I double check this on my calculator, I get 1.75, which is different than what I got on my worked out ans. confidence assessment: 1
15:11:59 while students in other courses should understand the notation and should understand the more basic simplifications. There is also a link to a page with pictures only, to provide the opportunity to translated standard notation into typewriter notation.
RESPONSE --> as I copy and pasted the link to more typewriter examples, I see how the notations differ. I also understand now how to operate the Q & A section and which box to put it in. I wish there had been directions as to which buttons to press when and what box to do when though... I found that very confusing. self critique assessment: 2
yǴKS݃䨓Ǹw assignment #001 001. typewriter notation qa initial problems 01-14-2008 ֣txfWx[|ߥگڌc assignment #001 001. typewriter notation qa initial problems 01-14-2008
15:20:38 `q001. Explain the difference between x - 2 / x + 4 and (x - 2) / (x + 4). The evaluate each expression for x = 2.
RESPONSE --> The difference is the parenthesis. They make it two different problems wherethe first expression simply divides 2 by x, the second divides the full x-2 by x=4. The first expression with x=2 would equal 5 and the second one would be 0/6 or zero. confidence assessment: 3
15:26:14 `q002. Explain the difference between 2 ^ x + 4 and 2 ^ (x + 4). Then evaluate each expression for x = 2. Note that a ^ b means to raise a to the b power. This process is called exponentiation, and the ^ symbol is used on most calculators, and in most computer algebra systems, to represent exponentiation.
RESPONSE --> 2/\ x+4 is different than 2/\(x+4) because in the first expression, the two is raised to the x, where in the second one, the 2 is raised to all of (x+4) The first expression, when x=2, is 8 the second one, when x=2, is 64. confidence assessment: 3
15:47:30 `q003. What is the numerator of the fraction in the expression x - 3 / [ (2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1 ] - 2 + 7x? What is the denominator? What do you get when you evaluate the expression for x = 2?
RESPONSE --> Numerator is on top- 3 Denominator is on bottom- (2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1 ] When x=2, the expression is x - 3 / [ (2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1 ] - 2 + 7x 2-3/[[4-5]^2*6+1]-2+14 2-(3/7)-2+14 2-(3/7)+12 13 4/7 confidence assessment: 2
15:59:33 `q004. Explain, step by step, how you evaluate the expression (x - 5) ^ 2x-1 + 3 / x-2 for x = 4.
RESPONSE --> (x - 5) ^ 2x-1 + 3 / x-2 1. x=4 so fill it in [4-5]^8-1+3/4-2 2. order of operations bpemdas -1^8-1+3/4-2 3. Multiply exponents -1^8= 1 4. fill in 1-1+3/4 -2 5. Add 1-1 3/4-2 6. Subtract -1.25 confidence assessment: 1
16:01:24 `q005. At the link problems/typewriter_notation_examples_with_links.htm (copy this path into the Address box of your Internet browser; alternatively use the path > General Information > Startup and Orientation (either scroll to bottom of page or click on Links to Supplemental Sites) > typewriter notation examples and you will find a page containing a number of additional exercises and/or examples of typewriter notation.Locate this site, click on a few of the links, and describe what you see there.
RESPONSE --> I see several examples of how to properly notate typewriter mode into written mode. It should help with figuring out the problems. confidence assessment: 3