Moving Man


course Phy 201

6/8 4

Figure 2.24 Moving Man ( )First-semester physics Asst 04: Initial position, velocity and acceleration are controlled by sliders. Experiment with positive, negative and zero initial velocity, combined with positive, negative and zero acceleration. Use low, medium and high initial velocity with low, medium and high accelerations. Spend 20 minutes, 15 minutes to familiarize yourself with the simulation and 5 minutes to jot down your results and your insights. Submit a copy of your results and insights using the Submit Work Form, with title 'Moving Man'

By being able to set the position, velocity and acceleration you were able to see many of the problems we have done come to life. With a velocity of zero the man still moves but not as quickly. With a negative velocity and acceleration the man moves just in the opposite direction but at the same acceleration as it would if it were moving at the same positive rate. Positive acceleration and velocity are just like most of the problems we have worked. The higher the velocity and acceleration the faster the man moves positions.


