course Mth 151
6/6 8
Open Query 3:*********************************************
Question: `qQuery 2.3.15 This might differ from the problem as given in the text, but you should be able to answer it for the given sets: universal set U = {a,b, c,…,g}, X={a,c,e,g}, Y = {a,b,c}, Z = {b, ..., f}
What is the set (Y ^ Z')U X?
Your Solution
We start off by doing (Y^Z’). First you do Z’ which is a set of elements not in Z that is in the Universal set. So Z’= {a,g} then you find what is common between Y and Z’ and you reach the set {a} after this you find the union between this and set X which is {a,c,e,g}.
Question: `qGive the intersection of the two sets Y and Z'
Your Solution
So if you find Z’ which is what is in the Universal set that is not in set Z then you get {a,g} but the only common element to Y is {a} so {a} is the intersection.
Question: `qQuery 2.3.32 (formerly 2.3.30). This was not assigned, but you answered a series of similar questions and should be able to give a reasonable answer to this one: Describe in words (A ^ B' ) U (B ^ A')
Your solution:
(A ^ B’) is the elements in A that are not in B and the elements in B that are not in A
Question: `q2.3.53 (formerly 2.3.51) Is it always or not always true that n(A U B) = n(A)+n(B)? This was not among the assigned questions but having completed the assignment you should be able to answer this.
Your solution:
It is not always true because the statement reads (A U B) is the sum of A and B which is not true because there may be elements in common it would only be true if set a and b have nothing in common
Question: `qQuery 2.3.60 X = {1,3,5}, Y = {1,2,3}. Find (X ^ Y)' and X' U Y'.
Your solution:
(X ^ Y) ' = {1,3}' = {2, 4, 5} and X’ U Y’ would be {2, 4, 5}
Question: `q2.3.72 A = {3,6,9,12}, B = {6,8}.
Your solution:
AxB and BxA
AxB= {3,6) (3,8) (6,6) (6,8) (9,6) (9,8) (12,6) (12,8)}
BxA= {(6,3),(6,6),(6,9),(6,12),(8,3),(8,6),(8,9),(8,12)}
Question: `q2.3.84 Shade A U B
Your solution:
You would shade everything in A and B and everything outside it would not be
Question: `qQuery 2.3.100 Shade (A' ^ B) ^ C
Your solution:
You would shade what is common between B and C but not including A
Question: `qQuery 2.3.108. Describe the shading of the set (A ^ B)' U C.
Your solution:
Everything outside A and B not in common with C but C would be shaded because of the union involved
Explain a the diagram better
Question: `q2.3.114 Largest area of A shaded (sets A,B,C). Write a description using A, B, C, subset, union, intersection symbols, ', - for the shaded region.
Your solution:
Ok because order doesn’t matter
I need to see the questions so I can be sure what your answers mean. Most of the time I can tell, but I'm dealing with information that comes in from over 1000 different files, containing a total of about 10 000 questions. While I'm familiar with the content and sequencing of the questions, having written them all, and know what I'm looking for, different students will answer these questions in different ways and I need to be able to relate your answers to the specific wording of each question.
When reviewing my responses you will also need to be able to relate your answers and my comments to the specifics of the original document.
So it will be important for you on future documents to insert your responses into a copy of the original document, according to instructions, without otherwise changing any of the content of the original document.
This will ensure you of the best possible feedback on your work.
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