Query 8

course Mth 151

6/21 11

Question: `q1.3.6 9 and 11 yr old hosses; sum of ages 122. How many 9- and

11-year-old horses are there?


Your solution:

The way you set this up is taking the sum of 122 and subtracting the number of 11 year old horses or if the number is greater

than 1 eleven year old horse you would do 2*11 then minus that from 122. Then you divide the number by 9 to get the number of

9 year old horses. 122-11= 121 which can not be divided by 9. So you do 2*11=22 122-22=100 which still isn’t divisible by 9.

Continue this patter until you get to 7*11=77 122-77= 45 45/9=5 so there are 7 horses that are 11 years old and 5 that are 9

year old.




Question: `qQuery 1.3.10 divide clock into segments each with same total

Your solution:

If you add up the entire clock you will get 78. A segment is 1/3 of the whole. So 1/3 of 78=26 so each segment must equal 26.

12,11,1,2: 3,4,9,10: 8,7,6,5:




Question: `qQuery 1.3.18 M-F 32 acorns each day, half of all acorns eaten, 35 acorns left after Friday

Your solution:

I could not get this one right


Work backwards but I do not know how you got 70???


Question: `qQuery 1.3.30 Frog in well, 4 ft jump, 3 ft back.


Your solution:

It really on climbs 1 foot a night because it jumps 4 and falls 3 which equal 1 foot so it will take him will take him 17

days because on day 16 he jumps for foot 16=4=20




Question: `qQuery 1.3.48 How many ways to pay 15 cents?


Your solution:

6 different way: 15 pennies, 3 nickels, 1 dime 1 nickel, 1 dime 5 pennies, 10 pennies 1 nickel, 2 nickels 5 pennies




Question: `qQuery 1.3.52 Given 8 coins, how do you find the unbalanced one in 3 weighings

Your solution:

To do this you put 4 coins on one scale and 4 on the other. The scale that weighs less you take those 4 coins out and put 2

on one side and 2 on the other. The side that weighs less you take those 2 coins out and weight them 1 on each side and the

side that weighs less is the one with the unbalanced coin




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