course Mth 151
7/13 12
Question: `qquery 4.1.6 egyptian form of 23,145
Your solution:
20,000, represented by two pointing fingers, plus 3,000, represented by three lotus flowers, plus 100, represented by 1 scroll, 40, represented by four heel bones, and 5, represented by 5 sticks
Question: `qquery 4.1.30 lll sssss hhhh tt + ll sss sss hh ttt ttt
Using p, l, s, h, t for pointing finger, lotus flower, scroll, heel bone and tally stick explain how you obtained the given sum.
Your solution:
first number is 3500 + 40 + 2 = 2542, the second number is 2626. Adding up 3542 + 2626 we get 6168
Question: `qquery 4.1.30 ppp ll h ttt + pp l sssss hhhh hhhh tttt tttt
Your solution:
the sum is ppppp lll ssssss t which stands for 5,168
Question: `q query 4.1.36 Using p, l, s, h, t for pointing finger, lotus flower, scroll, heel bone and tally stick explain how you obtained the product 36 * 81
Your solution:
sss hh tttt and ll ss ss s hhhh hhhh h tt, which will give us ll ss ss s sss s h tttt tt, standing for 2916
Draw out the tables showing how I came to this conclusion
Question: `q4.1.36 Using p, l, s, h, t for pointing finger, lotus flower, scroll, heel bone and tally stick explain how you obtained the product 21 * 44.
Your solution:
1 hhhh tttt
2 hhhh hhhh tttt tttt
4 hhhh hhhh hhhh hhhh tttt tttt tttt tttt OR s hhh hhh h ttt ttt
8 ss hhh hhh hhh hhh hh ttt ttt ttt ttt OR sss hhhh h tt
16 sss sss hhhh h hhhh h tt tt OR sss sss s tt tt.
To make up the number 21 on the left we need to use the first, third and fifth rows.
This means that we will add the corresponding numbers 44, 176, 704.
44 is represented by hhhh tttt
176 is represented by s hhh hhh h ttt ttt
}704 is represented by sss sss s tt tt.
This gives us a total of sss sss s s hhh hhh h hhhh tt tt ttt ttt tttt, which is regrouped as
sss sss s s s hh tttt. This represents 924
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Responses were completed on 7/16 but due to an error are being posted on 7/20.