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** Question Form_labelMessages **
Missing images-intro prob set
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On the brief assignment table, you assign Introductory_Problem_Set problems. Some of these problems have a location for an image, but the image is missing. In a previous communication, you said that you moved your website from one server to another server. Due to this, so of the links were broken.
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The following problems have a location for an image, but the image is missing:
set 1, problem: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18
set 2, problem: 1,2,5
set 3, problem: 1
set 5, problem: 6,7,9
set 6, problem: 1,2,3,4,22,23
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Please update the links for the pictures, so I could see images along with the problems and obtain a better understanding of the material. Thank you.
I'll try to do so. Everything has been moved to a new server, to which I don't yet have access. I'll see what the access situation is tomorrow.