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Asst 23 - Collaborative_labs_II
course PHY-242
You have completed the first series of collaborative labs.In that series you developed some important skills with teamwork, collaboration and communication. By now you have also developed additional lab techniques and insights, as well as an expanded understanding of physics and the standard formulations of motion, energy, momentum, forces and other topics.
You now have a good idea of the function of each member of the team, the designer, the experimenter, the analyzer and the interpreter.
You are also familiar with the items in your lab materials package.
The second series of activities will be spread out over the remainder of the semester. The investigations in this series will be more substantial and extensive than those of the first series, though we will limit the scope to keep the workload reasonable.
Please give a brief statement of three proposals for the second series of investigations, relevant to the topics of the labs you have performed and/or the material covered so far in the course. It should be possible to conduct your proposed investigations using the materials in the lab package, and/or common items you can expect your team members to have.
Above, you wrote that by now, I should have a good idea of the function of each member of the team, the designer, the experimenter, the analyzer and the interpreter. Please note that I work by myself and I do not have anyone team members.
The three proposals are:
1) Collect and direct sunlight through various lenses to determine the intensity of the sun
2) Place various float-able objects in a wave pool to determine which material and shapes cause objects to travel farthest
3) Determine resonating frequencies of various glass objects and try to figure out a patter of how to estimate the resonating frequency of an unknown object
Discuss your first idea. How do you think it might be tested? What sort of items do you think might be required? How do you think your idea might be tested?
I would go to the store and purchase a various size lenses. On a sunny day, I would go outside. I would collect the sunlight into one location and direct the collected sunlight on a piece of paper. I would determine a chart with lens strength and distances, which are minimum required to burn a hole in the paper. Then I would try to calculate the amount of energy which the sun gives off at that hour of the day.
Discuss your second idea. How do you think it might be tested? What sort of items do you think might be required? How do you think your idea might be tested?
At the ocean, the waves are different in strength - one wave is bigger and another wave is smaller. Saltville, VA has a pool which produces waves. The waves in the pool are produced with identical strength. I would obtain various float-able objects. I would place one object in the pool (in the same location) and determine the time required for this object to move a distance of 1 meter. The I would place another object in the pool at the same location and determine the time required for this object to move a distance of 1 meter. I would try various objects and various shapes of the same object. I would try to determine the pattern, of what causes objects (shape or material) to move the farthest distance, considering the wave strength is the same.
Discuss your third idea. How do you think it might be tested? What sort of items do you think might be required? How do you think your idea might be tested?
I would need to purchase download a program which produces various tones pitches. I would also need powerful speakers. I would take various glass objects and try to determine their resonance frequency. Powerful speakers would be required in order for the speakers to produce a motion effect on the glass object. After figuring out the resonating frequency on multiple objects, I would try to figure out a pattern of how to approximate the resonating frequency based on factors such as thickness, diameter, shape and etc.
Your instructor is trying to gauge the typical time spent by students on these activities. Please answer the following question as accurately as you can, understanding that your answer will be used only for the stated purpose and has no bearing on your grades:
Approximately how long did it take you to complete this activity?
30 minutes
Good ideas.
However this needs to be submitted using the form from which you obtained this document. When you do so your responses are automatically collected along with those of other students.
Please submit a copy of this using the correct form.
Very good. Thanks.