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** Question Form_labelMessages **

Images on Problem Sets

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Previous communication:

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

Missing images-intro prob set

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On the brief assignment table, you assign Introductory_Problem_Set problems. Some of these problems have a location for an image, but the image is missing. In a previous communication, you said that you moved your website from one server to another server. Due to this, so of the links were broken.

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The following problems have a location for an image, but the image is missing:

set 1, problem: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18

set 2, problem: 1,2,5

set 3, problem: 1

set 5, problem: 6,7,9

set 6, problem: 1,2,3,4,22,23

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Please update the links for the pictures, so I could see images along with the problems and obtain a better understanding of the material. Thank you.


I'll try to do so. Everything has been moved to a new server, to which I don't yet have access. I'll see what the access situation is tomorrow.


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As you see in my previous communication, I complained that every single image is missing from the problem sets. After your response, I waited for a long time and these images still did not appear on the problem set.

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I finally figured out what's going on. When I visit your website from my home, the explanatory images are missing from your website. (I tried using Internet Explorer and Firefox. In both web browsers, the explanatory images fail to load). When I visit your website though VHCC library, all of these explanatory images appear on the problem sets. When you look on your website at VHCC, the website seems to work perfectly. When I look at the website from my home, the pictures are missing from the problem sets. If you have a home computer or if you happen to drive by a public library, visit the problem sets and you will see that the images do not load.


I've attempted to get access to those problem sets but have not been able to do so.

In any case I've just viewed the images for Set 1 Problems 2 and 3, both on an old Dell laptop running XP and using IE, and on a newer Windows 7 desktop using Chrome, and had no trouble viewing the images.

You didn't include any of the URL's for those links. Of course I can find them easily enough, but without the URL's you are experiencing I don't have all the evidence I need to try to figure out what's going on there.


goes with the image on Set 1 Problem 2.

What happens when you try to access this image from this URL?

It this the same URL you get when you try to access the image from the Problem Sets?
