
Your 'cq_1_00.1' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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The problem:

You don't have to actually do so, but it should be clear that if you wished to do so, you could take a number of observations of positions and clock times. The point here is to think about how you would use that information if you did go to the trouble of collecting it.

• If you did take observations of positions and clock times, how accurately do you think you could determine the positions, and how accurately do you think you would know the clock times?

o It was very hard to keep accurate times since the videos went so quickly. Also, the positioning was difficult to record since I was not able to see it in slow motion. I watched each video a few times in order to catch things I had previously missed. This helped me notice more than I had before.


• How can you use observations to determine whether the tape rolling along an incline is speeding up or slowing down?

o It is important to keep your eye on the pendulum. You can watch and see if the tape is in front of it or behind it at the end of the experiment. There will be a difference in their positioning, but it is important to watch for that since they both started at the same time. Also, if you had an accurate account of the time and distances traveled, you can see if the time vs. distance ratio increased or decreased throughout the project.


• How can you use your observations to determine whether the swinging pendulum is speeding up or slowing down?

o You can keep an account of how quickly it moved throughout the experiment by keeping track of the time. Also, you can measure the distances to see if it increased or decreased.

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About 10-15 minutes

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All of the instructions included were very helpful!

&#These questions assume that you were able to pause the video several times, as instructed. Having done so you could then record a series of positions and clock time, though you were not asked to do so. The questions then asked specifically how you would use a series of position and clock time observations to draw conclusions. &#

You have to an extent addressed these questions. Can you be more specific?

&#This is an important question. Please go to the Submit Work Form and submit a copy of my response and your best answer. &#