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Your Menu
Responses to your emails and to work submitted through the form will posted, in the order received. This document will provide a menu of your responses. Each response will be indicated by the date on which it is posted, and the title you have given it.
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prelim assts completed, anything missing?
any notes on documentation/self critique
copy of due dates or details of process
>copy of asst 1
Assignment 1:
Perform the experiment Temperature vs. Clock Time Measurements
Introductory Problem Set 5, Problems 10-12
`p Principles of Physics: Chapter 13 problems 1-5, 7-9
`gGeneral College Physics: Chapter 13 problems 1-5, 6, 8, 12, 17
(In-class University Physics: Chapter 14 Problems 45, 48, 51, 56, 61, 62, 67, 72)
`uUniversity Physics: Chapter 17 Problems 81, 76, 91, 92, 97, 100, 103, 106, 109, 112//
When you have completed the entire assignment run the Query program
links in asst 1
description of content of each link
instructions for qa and/or query
qa and query filenames for asst 1
instr for text assts
work text probs on paper; submit thru query after completing asst
what must be and what may be submitted
include everything in one document
use paper
It will help me to understand just how to do the problem and making sure that I understand how the problem is set up.
A lot of questions here weren't answered; if that's because you already knew the answers, then you're ready to go. If not, or if you have questions later, you can always take another look at this information.
Please let me know if you have any questions related to this orientation assignment.