Assign 24 

course Mth 151

^GѶϣassignment #004

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004. `Query 4

College Algebra




2.4.12 n(A') = 25, n(B) = 28, n(A' U B') = 40, n(A ^ B) = 10



Circle A would contain 15, Circle B would contain 18 and the intersection of A & B would contain 10. The elements outside of the A & B would be 7. Since n(A ^ B) is 10 you would substract 10 from 25 to get Circle A = 15, 10 from 28 to get Circle B, 18. To find the elements outside of Circles A & B you would add n(A ^ B) and n(A' U B') which contains 50 elements then ytou would substract what is in A, B and the intersection of A&B to obtain 7.

confidence assessment: 3




query 2.4.18 wrote and produced 2, wrote 5, produced 7 &&&& How many did he write but not produce?



Wrote but not produced is 3. Since 2 is written and produced, 5 was written and 7 was produced 2 would be subtracted from 5 to get 3.

confidence assessment: 3




2.4.24 9 fat red r, 18 thn brown r, 2 fat red h, 6 thin red r, 26 fat r, 5 thin red h, 37 fat, 7 thin brown ......!!!!!!!!...................................



a. 37; b. 22; c. 50; d. 2; e. 25 & f. 11. I used a chart instead of circles. I just found it easier to write them all in a list and deduct the questions from the list.

confidence assessment: 2




** Here's my solution. Tell me if there is anything you disagree with (I'm not infallible) or don't understand.

incidental: 18 thin brown roosters, 7 thin brown hens, 6 thin red hens and the 6 thin roosters which aren't fat (out of the 50-26=24 thin roosters 18 are brown so 6 are red) adds up to 37 thin chickens

How many chickens are fat?

37 as given

How many chickens are red?

22: 9 fat red roosters, 6 thin red roosters, 5 thin red hens, 2 fat red hens.

How many chickens are male?

50: 9 fat red roosters are counted among the 26 fat roosters so the remaining 17 fat roosters are brown; then there are 18 thin brown roosters and 6 thin red roosters; the number of roosters therefore adds up to 9 + 18 + 6 + 17 = 50

How many chickens are fat not male?

26 of the 37 fat chickens are male, leaving 11 female

How many chickens are brown not fat?

25: 18 thin brown roosters, 7 thin brown hens adds up to 25 thin brown chickens

How many chickens are red and fat?

11: 9 fat red roosters and 2 fat red hens.**



This was very hard for me to do in circles. I wrote all of the cateories out, using a chart mainly.

self critique assessment: 2



Good,but note that the except on the last question given solutions again were not included. See my previous notes on this.


Let me know if you have questions. &#