series lab 


course PHY 242

3/27 11:40

In this lab we took an amp meter, a volt meter, two AA batteries and a 50 cm NiCh wire. We then made a series with the batteries first then the amp meter then the volt meter then the NiCh wire then back to the battery. Our volt meter was reading 2.4 volts but the batteries added up to 3 volts so there was resistance in the NiCh. The surface area of the NiCh is 1x10^-3 m^2. Then we ran the wire through a pvc cylinder so then we wanted to find the flux of the wire on the cylinder so to find the flux we did the following, flux= (4*pi*(charge density of wire*length of wire))/( 2*pi*(radius of tube*length of tube).

While all this information was very helpful to learn, the really helpful analysis was over the units of the flux. Instead of just stating Flux = 4'pi*k*Q, we substituted the calculation for Q in to see what was happening and see that 4pi*K*(charge density * length) gives us the flux. This is expanded upon by dividing this Flux by the surface area of the ""imaginary"" cylinder, which in turn gives us the charge density of the cylinder. Surface area was simply calculated by multiplying 2pi*radius*length. " ""



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