Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
Your General Comment
Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks
everytime you click it, it records how long the program has been open. thus whenever you click it the time is higher each time.
Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks
1 129.3594 129.3594
2 129.5313 .171875
3 129.7031 .171875
4 129.9375 .234375
5 130.125 .1875
6 130.4063 .28125
7 130.6406 .234375
8 130.875 .234375
9 131.1094 .234375
10 131.3906 .28125
11 131.6719 .28125
12 131.8906 .21875
13 132.0938 .203125
14 132.3281 .234375
15 132.5938 .265625
16 132.8281 .234375
17 133.0625 .234375
18 133.2813 .21875
19 133.5469 .265625
20 133.75 .203125
Your average time interval for 20 time intervals
I obtained my average my adding up the 20 numbers, and then dividing it by 20.
This is the average of the clock times, not the time intervals. The first column is just the sequential numbering 1, 2, 3, ... of clock times. The second column is the clock times. The third column is the interval between each clock times and the preceding clock time. The interval listed in the first row is the interval between the time when you opened the program and time of your first click, and does not correspond to an interval between clicks. This question asked you to find the average of the time intervals between clicks. Note that if you clicked 20 times you actually have only 19 intervals.What is the average of your intervals?
Normally you would be asked to respond as follows:
Please respond with a copy of this question, a copy of any other part of this document you wish to include, and your response to the question. Indicate your response using the symbols *&##. As your title use the 'response title' suggested above (just copy and paste that title into the Title box of the Submit Work form).
However you correctly answer questions below about intervals. Just be very sure you know the distinction between a clock time and a time interval; this will help you avoid confusion later.
Response to this note is optional. If you do response be sure to include a copy of this question, a copy of any other part of this document you wish to include, and your response to the question. Indicate your response using the symbols *&##. As your title use the 'response title' suggested above (just copy and paste that title into the Title box of the Submit Work form).
Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed)
.3594 1
.171875 5
.234375 7
.28125 5
.2625 2
Your general comment to this point
Why did you observe only certain time intervals?
no it is not useless, because when you are dealing with fragments of a second it is nearly impossible for a program to be that precise and accurate with an exact calculation.
What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals?
that the TIMER program relies directly on split second intervals, thus you see a repeating pattern.
Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths:
1 1.238281 1.238281
2 3.921875 2.683594
3 6.421875 2.5
4 9.359375 2.9375
5 12.32813 2.96875
6 14.84375 2.515625
7 17.4375 2.59375
8 20.1875 2.75
9 22.78125 2.59375
10 24.42188 1.640625
Your general comment to this point:
Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice?
Because there is no way a person could take an exact amount of time to take a breathe and this program opperates on precison.
Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ...
Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program.
event number,clock time,time interval
1 , 321.1719 , 321.1719
2 , 321.3594 , 0.1875
3 , 321.5156 , 0.15625
4 , 321.6719 , 0.15625
5 , 321.8438 , 0.171875
20 minutes
Good responses but be sure you remain aware of the distinction between clock times and time intervals.