
course Phy 241

?[??`?????}???k??E??·?assignment #006

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Physics I




General Physics 1.42. At 1200 liters/day per family how much would level of 50 km^2 lake fall in a year if supplying town of population 40000







** A liter is 1/1000 of a cubic meter. It can be thought of as a cube 10 cm on a side. To fill a 1-meter cube t would take 10 rows with 10 cubes in each row to make a single layer 10 cm high, and 10 layers to fill the cube--i.e., 10 * 10 * 10 = 1000 one-liter cubes fill a 1-meter cube.

A km is 1000 meters so a km^2 is (1000 m)^2 = 10^6 m^2.

1200 liters / day per family, with 40,000 people at 4 persons / family, implies 10,000 families each using 1200 * .001 m^3 = 1.2 m^3 per day. Total usage would be 10,000 families * 1.2 m^3 / day / family * 365 days / year = 4.3 * 10^6 m^3 / year.

The volume of the lake corresponding to a depth change `dy is `dy * A, where A is the area of the lake. The area of the lake is 50 km^2 * 10^6 m^2 / km^2 = 5 * 10^7 m^2.

`dy * A = Volume so `dy = Volume / A = 4.3 * 10^6 m^3 / (5 * 10^7 m&2) = .086 m or 8.6 cm.

This estimate is based on 4 people per family. A different assumption would change this estimate.

STUDENT QUESTION: 40000 people in town divided by average household of 4 = 10,000 families 10,000 families * 1200 liters /day = 12000000 liters used per day * 365 days in a year = 4380000000 liter used. Here is where I get confused changing from liters to level of 50 km^2 to subtract.

INSTRUCTOR RESPONSE: If you multiply the area of the lake by the change in depth you get the volume of water used. You know the area of the lake and the volume of the water used, from which you can find the change in depth.

Of course you need to do the appropriate conversions of units. Remember that a liter is the volume of a cube 10 cm on a side, so it would take 10 rows of 10 such cubes to make one layer, then 10 layers, to fill a cube 1 meter = 100 cm on a side.

You should also see that a km^2 could be a square 1 km on a side, which would be 1000 meters on a side, to cover which would require 1000 rows of 1000 1-meters squares.

If you end of having trouble with the units or anything else please ask some specific questions and I will try to help you clarify the situation.


The water used can be thought of as having been spread out in a thin layer on top of that lake. That thin layer forms a cylinder whose cross-section is the surface of the lake and whose altitude is the change in the water level. The volume of that cylinder is equal to the volume of the water used by the family in a year. See if you can solve the problem from this model.

COMMON ERROR: Area is 50 km^2 * 1000 m^2 / km^2


Two things to remember: You can't cover a 1000 m x 1000 m square with 1000 1-meter squares, which would only be enough to make 1 row of 1000 squares, not 1000 rows of 1000 squares.

1 km^2 = 1000 m * 1000 m = 1,000,000 m^2. **







univ 1.70 univ sailor 2 km east, 3.5 km SE, then unknown, ends up 5.8 km east find magnitude and direction of 3d leg, explain how diagram shows qualitative agreement



A= 2.00 km, 0 degrees, so the cos of theta = Ax/2.00 where Ax =2.00. The Ay component is 0.

B=3.50 km, 315 degrees, so the cos of theta =Bx/3.5 where Bx=2.47, also sin of theta =By/3.5, where By =-2.47.

C is the unknown, so we set up all the x components to add together to equal Rx and all the y components to equal Ry. Since R is 5.80, 0 the cos of theta= Rx/5.80 where Rx is 5.8, also the sin of theta=Ry/5.8 where Ry is 0.

Now we know that the x components, 2+2.47+Cx=5.80, therefore Cx is 1.33. Similarly the y components, 0+(-2.47)+ Cy=0, therefore Cy is 2.47.

Now to obtain the angle we take the arctan of (2.47/1.33) which equals about 61.7 degrees to the Northeast. To find the magnitude we can have the hypotenuse equal Cx over cosine theta. The magnitude is therefore about 2.8.




** Letting the three vectors be A, B and C (C unknown) and the x axis point east we have A at 0 degrees, B at 315 degrees and the resultant at 0 degrees.

Ax = 2, Ay = 0 (A is toward the East, along the x axis).

Bx = B cos(315 deg) = 2.47, By = B sin(315 deg) = -2.47.

Rx = 5.8, Ry = 0.

Since Ax + Bx + Cx = Rx we have Cx = Rx - Ax - Bx = 5.8 - 2 - 2.47 = 1.33.

Since Ay + By + Cy = Ry we have Cy = Ry - Ay - By = 0 - 0 - (-2.47) = 2.47.

C has magnitude sqrt( Cx^2 + Cy^2) = sqrt ( 1.33^2 + 2.47^2) = sqrt(7.9) = 2.8, representing 2.8 km.

C has angle arctan(Cy / Cx) = arctan(2.47 / 1.33) = 61 deg. **



My degree answer is a few tenths of a degree off, this may be due to different rounding or a mistake in significant figures. My reasoning was correct.




**** query univ 1.82 (1.66 10th edition) vectors 3.6 at 70 deg, 2.4 at 210 deg find scalar and vector product



First the dot product is found by using the formula ABcos(theta). A=3.6 and B=2.4 The angle in between these vectors is 140 so the answer is -6.62. The formula for the vector product is ABsin(theta). So we use (2.4)(3.60)sin 140=5.55. This is in the positive z direction.





A * B = |A||B| cos(theta) = AxBx + Ay By + AzBz

3.6 * 2.4 * cos (140 deg) = -6.62

To check for consistency we can calculate the components of A and B:

Ax = 3.6 * cos(70 deg) = 1.23

Ay = 3.6 * sin(70 deg) = 3.38

Bx = 2.4 * cos (210 deg) = -2.08

By = 2.4 * sin(210 deg) = -1.2

dot product = 1.23 *-2.08 + 3.38 * -1.2 = -2.5584 + -4.056 = -6.61. Close enough.


Cross product:

| A X B | = |A| |B| sin (theta) = 3.6 * 2.4 * sin(140) = 5.554.

Finding the components we have

(Ay * Bz - Az * By) i + (Az * Bx - Ax + Bz) j + (Ax * By - Ay * Bx) k =

((3.38*0)-(0*-1.2)] i + [(0 * -2.08) - (1.23 * 0)] j + [(1.23*-1.2)-(3.38 * -2.08)] k =

0 i + 0 j + 5.55 k,

or just 5.55 k, along the positive z axis ('upward' from the plane).

INSTRUCTOR COMMENT: Your conclusion is correct. The cross product must be at a right angle to the two vectors. To tell whether the vector is 'up' or 'down' you can use your result, 5.55 k, to see that it's a positive multiple of k and therefore upward.

The other way is to use the right-hand rule. You place the fingers of your right hand along the first vector and position your hand so that it would 'turn' the first vector in the direction of the second. That will have your thumb pointing upward, in agreement with your calculated result, which showed the cross product as being in the upward direction. **






Very good work. Let me know if you have questions.