
All assignments sent to my access page with the date 7-07-06 have a message that they were not reviewed. These include Assignment 9 query, Assignment 10qa 1-14, Error Analysis II (this still does not reflect if you have received my answers to this lab, the reply to the message I sent concerning it not showing up on my access page had information concerning the rubber band experiment when the lab deals with the TIMER experiment), Assignment 10 wk 5 quiz 1, Assignment 10 week 4 quiz2.

Your message has alerted me to the mis-posting of the 7/07 assignments. This was my fault. The event was triggered by a student's failure to report a valid access number. My program could be more robust against such errors, but as it is the resulting crash causes me to analyze the situation and correct the student's error, so I've been reluctant to change it. The danger of that approach is that it might happen late on a night when I'm less alert than usual, in which case I could easily ask the program to process the original form of the student work file, which would post the version that existed before I inserted my responses. That's what happened with the 7/07 work.

I've inserted the correct files at the begining of this document, and your work should now be posted correctly (but under today's date). If anything is still missing, let me know.