course Phy 241
I am having trouble figuring out the following from lab 27:Based on the time of fall and the distances of the landing points from the straight-line path, you can use the same procedures to determine the velocities of the ball perpendicular to the original path. Report using the same format as in the preceding, and include your explanation starting in the second line:
In the preceding question I used the the distance from the line corresponding to the point of free fall. Is this question asking to enter the diaganol distance from the point of free fall rather than the extended line of free fall to the average of the deflected points?
The question before the one above read as follows:
Based on the time of fall and average distance measured from the straight-drop point, you can determine the speed of the ball for each magnet distance. Report these speeds, in the order of your trials, in the first line, using commas to delimit your numbers. Starting in the second line explain how you got your results:
For this question I used the data program and inserted the horizontal distance as the distance from a line extended from the point of free fall. What is different about the question above?
When the ball is deflected from the straight-line path, it strikes at a certain distance from that path, as measured perpendicular from the path. This is due to the fact that its velocity now has a component perpendicular to its original direction of motion.
When the velocity perpendicular to the original path is multiplied by the time of fall, you get the displacement perpendicular to the path. So using displacement perpendicular to path and time of fall, you get the velocity perpendicular to the path.
The time of fall is the time required for the ball to fall from the edge of the table to the floor.