Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Your General Comment **
** Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks **
there is a data table for the event numbers, then the clock and time intervals for each time i clicked the button
** Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks **
1 186.625 186.625
2 186.7969 .171875
3 186.9688 .171875
4 187.1406 .171875
5 187.3125 .171875
6 187.5 .1875
7 187.6719 .171875
8 187.8594 .1875
9 188.0469 .1875
10 188.2188 .171875
11 188.3906 .171875
12 188.5625 .171875
13 188.7344 .171875
14 188.9219 .1875
15 189.0938 .171875
16 189.2813 .1875
17 189.4531 .171875
18 189.6406 .1875
19 189.8438 .203125
20 190.3281 .484375
** Your average time interval for 20 time intervals **
i added the intervals. excluding the 186.625 since it is the same as the clock time. i added the interval numbers in excel and divided by 20. if i kept the firstinterval in , my average would be 9.51641.
** Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed) **
0.171875, 11
0.1875, 6
0.203125, 1
0.484375, 1
** Your general comment to this point **
would i include the first interval regardless if the clocked time was the same?
Include only intervals between clicks. The very first interval starts when you open the program, not on your first click, so it wouldn't be included in the data for these observations.
** Why did you observe only certain time intervals? **
the timer program is not flawed. and the frequency of the clocked time was due to how fast the mouse was being clicked in between each interval
** What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals? **
time between the two events are within .001 second
** Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths: **
** Your general comment to this point: **
** Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice? **
i would think it would be based on when the mouse was clicked during inhilation at each breath. could of been a few seconds off when inhilation was started
** Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ... **
The TIMER program is capable of determining the time between two events accurately to within about .001 second.
reasoning for this was from the data that included the difference between the each time interval
** Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program. **
event number,clock time,time interval
1 , 30.48438 , 30.48438
2 , 37.96875 , 7.484375
3 , 47.20313 , 9.234375
4 , 54.9375 , 7.734375
5 , 64.1875 , 9.25
** **
50 mins
** **
Good work. See my notes and let me know if you have questions.