course mth 172
You can find exact values for the sine or cosine, etc., of 0, pi / 6, pi/3, pi/4 radians using the Pythagorean Theorem.
You can use half-angle, double-angle and other formulas to find exact values of sine or cosine etc. of angles you can get from these known angles.
For other angles you have to use approximations, generally using polynomial approximations (which require calculus to derive).
Before we had calculators we just used tables or slide rules. We never actually calculated these values by hand.
Good start. Note that you can use Excel to calculate exponential functions. The syntax for 10,000 * e^(.08 * C27) would be =
* exp(.08 * C27)
exp(x) is e^x, just like sin(x) is the sine of x.
ok, i'm wondering; so that is sine to the power of x
i know basic trig, but how do those calculations work on triangles? like sin35=x... i've always used those calc buttons
like everyone else, but how is it done by hand? "