Access Code Information Note that it might take up to 24 hours for your access code to begin working. If it isn't working by that time please email the instructor as specified below. Due to Privacy Law restrictions, to make access to my responses more convenient for you, and to allow you to access all of my responses, I will be posting my responses to your work to a website which you will access as follows: I have assigned you Access Code 11-01-829 Copy the following four lines to a file and save that file. It is suggested that you save it to your desktop so it will always be handy. access: 11-01-829 name: title: 11-01-829 With every email you send your instructor, you need to include a copy of these three lines. * Fill in the title: line with the title under which you will later locate the instructor's response. * In your title use only characters legal for the naming of files (no parentheses, commas, periods, #, &, @ symbols or anything of that sort, though dashes _ and underline symbols _ are legal). When submitting work using a form (you will be instructed later how to do this), use your access code and be very sure it is correct. Copy the access code (just the code, in the fourth line of the file you have saved) and paste it into the access code box on the form. Do not type in your access code; errors in access codes cause serious problems with the posting of work. The only way to be sure you have used the correct access information is to copy and paste it. ************************************************************** You will use these access numbers as follows to access your instructor's responses to your work: 1. To avoid someone else obtaining your access code and possibly viewing instructor responses to your work, do not access your information at a time and location where another user might view the screen, and be sure to close the Internet browser window when you have finished. If it is not possible for you to view your information with an acceptable level of privacy, please inform the instructor and other arrangments will be made. 2. Go to the site. 3. Click on General Information (the first button on the page). 4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Access to Your Information. A menu file will appear with 100 choices. 5. Click on the number 11 (the first two digits of your access code). A new menu file will appear. 6. Click on the number 01 (the middle two digits of your access code). A third menu file, similar to the other two, will appear. 7. Click on the number 829 (the last three digits of your access code). This should bring you to a file which starts with the words 'Your Menu'. Beneath the menu you will find a link to a welcome message, and possibly other links. Click on the Welcome message, and you will be taken the Welcome message within the section of the document. Beneath the heading Welcome you will see sublinks to short paragraphs. Click on each sublink for more explanation. Follow these instructions as soon as possible, and let the instructor know if any error occurs or if you have difficulty with the instructions. If so tell the instructor, keystroke by keystroke, what you did and how your computer responded. This will give the instructor the information necessary to either correct the error or to clarify the instructions for you. You should not include your name in any line except the 'name:' line of an email, or the name you enter into the 'name:' box of the form. This information will be visible to the instructor, but will not appear at your access page.