ic Questions

course Phy 201

I have two questions about the previous homework assignments, the first being what exactly do you want when you say give me your raw data.

Raw data is what you see, what you actually measure, with no calculations involved. For example if the ends of a rubber band in a chain are at 24.2 cm and 32.8 cm, then you report 24.2 cm and 32.8 cm as the positions of the ends. You don't subtract 24.2 from 32.8 to get 8.6 cm and report 8.6 cm as raw data. You will probably do the subtraction later, but that result involves a calculation, not a pure observation.

Could you give me an example of average accelerations and explain the change in clock time or which numbers you use for the change in clock time.I'm just having trouble figuring out which numbers to use.

I could give you a better-focused answer had you included the context in which you are thinking of the question.

Here's one example that might help you:

If you observed that a ball (being timed in half-cycles of a certain pendulum) reaches the edge of the table 5 half-cycles after being released, and that it reaches the floor 7 half-cycles after its release, then the clock times at release, edge of table and floor would be 0, 5 and 7 half-cycles. The time interval between release and edge of table is 5 half-cycles; the interval between edge and floor is 2 half-cycles.

If you are calculating the average acceleration between two events, you divide the change in velocity between those events by the time interval.