Assignment 10

course mth164

Assignment #10

??Z???????????assignment #010010. Dot product, vector algebra

Your work has been received. Please scroll through the document to see any inserted notes (inserted at the appropriate place in the document, in boldface) and a note at the end. The note at the end of the file will confirm that the file has been reviewed; be sure to read that note. If there is no note at the end, notify the instructor through the Submit Work form, and include the date of the posting to your access page.

Precalculus II




`q001. The dot product of two vectors is equal to the product of the magnitudes of the vectors, multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the vectors. What is the dot product of vector v having magnitude 10 and angle 30 degrees, with vector w having magnitude 8 and angle 90 degrees?



The angle between the two lines is 90-30=60 degrees

Using the formula the dot product would be

8x10xcos(60) = 40

confidence assessment: 3




The magnitudes are 10 and 8, and the angle between the vectors is the change in angle from 30 degrees to 90 degrees, or 60 degrees. The dot product is therefore

dot product = product of magnitudes * cos(angle) = 10 * 8 * cos(60 deg) = 40.




self critique assessment:




`q002. What are the x and y components of the vector v having magnitude 10 and angle 30 degrees, and vector w having magnitude 8 and angle 90 degrees?

What do you get if you add the product of the two x components to the product of the two y components?

How is this result related to the answer to the preceding exercise?



For vector v: sin30=y/10 so y = 5

cos30=x/10 so x=5sqrt(3)

For vector w: x is 0 and y is 8

Multiplying components gives:

5sqrt(3)(0) + 5(8) = 40

This is the same answer as the dot product of the previous problem

confidence assessment: 3




The vector v has x component vx = 10 cos(30 deg) = 8.7, approx., and vy = 10 sin(30 deg) = 5. The vector w has x component wx = 8 cos(90 deg) = 0 and y component wy = 8 sin(90 deg) = 8.

The product of the two x components is vx * wx = 8.7 * 0 = 0, and the product of the y components is vy * wy = 5 * 8 = 40.

The sum of these products is 0 + 40 = 40, which is identical to the result of the preceding exercise in which we found the dot product of v and w.




self critique assessment:




`q003. If vector v is represented by < v1, v2 > and vector w by < w1, w2 > then if the result of the preceding exercise is valid, how do we write in symbols the dot product of the two vectors?

In symbols how do we write the magnitudes of the two vectors?

How then do we write the statement that the dot product of the two vectors is equal to the product of the magnitudes of the vectors, multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the vectors?



The dot product =v1 x w1 + v2 x w2

|v| = sqrt(v1^2 + v2^2)

|w|=sqrt(w1^2 + w2^2)

v1xw1 + v2xw2 = |v||w|xcos theta

confidence assessment: 2




If the preceding exercise generalizes then the dot product is the sum of the product of the x components and the product of the y components. In this case we would therefore say that the dot product is v1 * w1 + v2 * w2.

The magnitudes of the two vectors are | v | = sqrt(v1^2 + v2^2) and | w | = sqrt(w1^2 + w2^2).

The statement therefore says that

v1 * w1 + v2 * w2 = sqrt(v1^2 + v2^2) * sqrt(w1^2 + w2^2) * cos(theta).



ok i see where I went wrong on the final part of the question

self critique assessment:




`q004. Use the result of the preceding exercise to find the cosine of the angle between the vectors < 2, 3 > and < -7, 4 >.

What therefore is the angle between these vectors?



cos(theta)=(2x-7 + 3x4)/(sqrt(13)sqrt(65)

cos(theta) = -2/sqrt(845)

theta = 93.9 degrees

confidence assessment: 3




The cosine of the angle theta between the vectors is found using the fact that dot product is product of magnitudes multiplies by the cosine of the angle, expressed in detail as

v1 * w1 + v2 * w2 = sqrt(v1^2 + v2^2) * sqrt(w1^2 + w2^2) * cos(theta).

We easily rearrange the equation to get

cos(theta) = [ v1 * w1 + v2 * w2 ] / [ sqrt(v1^2 + v2^2) * sqrt(w1^2 + w2^2)].

In this case we have

cos(theta) = [ 2 * -7 + 3 * 4 ] / [ sqrt(2^3 + 3^2) * sqrt( (-7)^2 + 4^2) ] = -2 / ( sqrt(13) * sqrt(53) ] = -2 / 26.3 = .08 approx..

The angle is therefore the solution theta to the equation cos(theta) = .08, which gives us theta = 83 degrees, approx..



I got sqrt(65) for the magnitude of the second vector instead of sqrt(53)

self critique assessment:




`q005. The vectors v = < 2, 4, 5 > and w = < -3, 7, 2 > exist in 3-dimensional space. What do you think are the magnitudes of these two vectors?



|v| = sqrt(2^2 + 4^2 + 5^2) = sqrt(45)

|w| = sqrt((-3)^2 + 7^2 + 2^2) = sqrt (62)

confidence assessment: 3




The magnitude of a vector is found by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of its components, just as for a vector in 2-dimensional space. In this case we get magnitudes sqrt(2^2 + 4^2 + 5^2) = sqrt(45) = 6.7, approx., and sqrt((-3)^2 + 7^2 + 2^2) = sqrt(76) = 8.7 approx..



I got the answer to the last vector magnitude as sqrt(62) instead of sqrt(76)

self critique assessment:

I believe you're correct. 9 + 49 + 4 = 62, not 76.




`q006. What is the dot product of the vectors v = < 2, 4, 5 > and w = < -3, 7, 2 > ? What therefore is the angle between these vectors?



dot product = 2x-3 + 4x7 + 5x2 = 32

cos(theta) = 32/(sqrt(45)sqrt(62))


theta = 52.7 degrees

confidence assessment: 3




Since dot product = product of magnitudes * cos(theta) we have cos(theta) = dot product / product of magnitudes. In the preceding problem we found the magnitudes of the vectors to be sqrt(45) and sqrt(76). So if we can find the dot product we can find the cosine of the angle and therefore the angle.

The dot product is again the sum of the products of the invidual components, in this case 2 * (-3) + 4 * 7 + 5 * 2 = 32.

Thus we have

cos(theta) = 32 / ( sqrt(45) * sqrt(76) ) and

theta = arccos[ 32 / (sqrt(45) * sqrt(76) ) = 56.8 deg, approx..

Note that these vectors can actually be constructed in 3-dimensional space, and if the construction is accurate the angle will be as indicated.



Ok, my angle is off a little because I have the magnitude of vector w to be sqrt(62)

self critique assessment:




`q007. Calculate the angle between the two vectors < 1, 7, -3, 4 > and < -3, -5, 2, 7 > .



cos(theta) = (1x-3+7x-5+-3x2+4x7)/(sqrt(75)sqrt(87))


theta = 101 degrees

confidence assessment: 3




As before we find that theta = arccos ( dot product / product of magnitudes ). In this case

theta = arccos [ (1 * -3 + 7 * -5 + -3 * 2 + 4 * 7) / ( sqrt(1^2 + 7^2 + (-3)^2 + 4^2 ) * sqrt( (-3)^2 + (-5)^2 + 2^2 + 7^2 ) ] =

arccos[ -16 / 80.8 ] =

101 degrees, approx..

Note that though these vectors occur in 4 dimensions and hence cannot be constructed in 3-dimensional space the calculation of the angle between them, extending in the most obvious manner the procedures of the preceding problems, give us a result with just a little additional calculation.




self critique assessment:




Your work looks very good. Let me know if you have any questions. &#

Assignment 10

course mth164

Assignment #10

??Z???????????assignment #010010. Dot product, vector algebra

Your work has been received. Please scroll through the document to see any inserted notes (inserted at the appropriate place in the document, in boldface) and a note at the end. The note at the end of the file will confirm that the file has been reviewed; be sure to read that note. If there is no note at the end, notify the instructor through the Submit Work form, and include the date of the posting to your access page.

Precalculus II




`q001. The dot product of two vectors is equal to the product of the magnitudes of the vectors, multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the vectors. What is the dot product of vector v having magnitude 10 and angle 30 degrees, with vector w having magnitude 8 and angle 90 degrees?



The angle between the two lines is 90-30=60 degrees

Using the formula the dot product would be

8x10xcos(60) = 40

confidence assessment: 3




The magnitudes are 10 and 8, and the angle between the vectors is the change in angle from 30 degrees to 90 degrees, or 60 degrees. The dot product is therefore

dot product = product of magnitudes * cos(angle) = 10 * 8 * cos(60 deg) = 40.




self critique assessment:




`q002. What are the x and y components of the vector v having magnitude 10 and angle 30 degrees, and vector w having magnitude 8 and angle 90 degrees?

What do you get if you add the product of the two x components to the product of the two y components?

How is this result related to the answer to the preceding exercise?



For vector v: sin30=y/10 so y = 5

cos30=x/10 so x=5sqrt(3)

For vector w: x is 0 and y is 8

Multiplying components gives:

5sqrt(3)(0) + 5(8) = 40

This is the same answer as the dot product of the previous problem

confidence assessment: 3




The vector v has x component vx = 10 cos(30 deg) = 8.7, approx., and vy = 10 sin(30 deg) = 5. The vector w has x component wx = 8 cos(90 deg) = 0 and y component wy = 8 sin(90 deg) = 8.

The product of the two x components is vx * wx = 8.7 * 0 = 0, and the product of the y components is vy * wy = 5 * 8 = 40.

The sum of these products is 0 + 40 = 40, which is identical to the result of the preceding exercise in which we found the dot product of v and w.




self critique assessment:




`q003. If vector v is represented by < v1, v2 > and vector w by < w1, w2 > then if the result of the preceding exercise is valid, how do we write in symbols the dot product of the two vectors?

In symbols how do we write the magnitudes of the two vectors?

How then do we write the statement that the dot product of the two vectors is equal to the product of the magnitudes of the vectors, multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the vectors?



The dot product =v1 x w1 + v2 x w2

|v| = sqrt(v1^2 + v2^2)

|w|=sqrt(w1^2 + w2^2)

v1xw1 + v2xw2 = |v||w|xcos theta

confidence assessment: 2




If the preceding exercise generalizes then the dot product is the sum of the product of the x components and the product of the y components. In this case we would therefore say that the dot product is v1 * w1 + v2 * w2.

The magnitudes of the two vectors are | v | = sqrt(v1^2 + v2^2) and | w | = sqrt(w1^2 + w2^2).

The statement therefore says that

v1 * w1 + v2 * w2 = sqrt(v1^2 + v2^2) * sqrt(w1^2 + w2^2) * cos(theta).



ok i see where I went wrong on the final part of the question

self critique assessment:




`q004. Use the result of the preceding exercise to find the cosine of the angle between the vectors < 2, 3 > and < -7, 4 >.

What therefore is the angle between these vectors?



cos(theta)=(2x-7 + 3x4)/(sqrt(13)sqrt(65)

cos(theta) = -2/sqrt(845)

theta = 93.9 degrees

confidence assessment: 3




The cosine of the angle theta between the vectors is found using the fact that dot product is product of magnitudes multiplies by the cosine of the angle, expressed in detail as

v1 * w1 + v2 * w2 = sqrt(v1^2 + v2^2) * sqrt(w1^2 + w2^2) * cos(theta).

We easily rearrange the equation to get

cos(theta) = [ v1 * w1 + v2 * w2 ] / [ sqrt(v1^2 + v2^2) * sqrt(w1^2 + w2^2)].

In this case we have

cos(theta) = [ 2 * -7 + 3 * 4 ] / [ sqrt(2^3 + 3^2) * sqrt( (-7)^2 + 4^2) ] = -2 / ( sqrt(13) * sqrt(53) ] = -2 / 26.3 = .08 approx..

The angle is therefore the solution theta to the equation cos(theta) = .08, which gives us theta = 83 degrees, approx..



I got sqrt(65) for the magnitude of the second vector instead of sqrt(53)

self critique assessment:




`q005. The vectors v = < 2, 4, 5 > and w = < -3, 7, 2 > exist in 3-dimensional space. What do you think are the magnitudes of these two vectors?



|v| = sqrt(2^2 + 4^2 + 5^2) = sqrt(45)

|w| = sqrt((-3)^2 + 7^2 + 2^2) = sqrt (62)

confidence assessment: 3




The magnitude of a vector is found by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of its components, just as for a vector in 2-dimensional space. In this case we get magnitudes sqrt(2^2 + 4^2 + 5^2) = sqrt(45) = 6.7, approx., and sqrt((-3)^2 + 7^2 + 2^2) = sqrt(76) = 8.7 approx..



I got the answer to the last vector magnitude as sqrt(62) instead of sqrt(76)

self critique assessment:

I believe you're correct. 9 + 49 + 4 = 62, not 76.




`q006. What is the dot product of the vectors v = < 2, 4, 5 > and w = < -3, 7, 2 > ? What therefore is the angle between these vectors?



dot product = 2x-3 + 4x7 + 5x2 = 32

cos(theta) = 32/(sqrt(45)sqrt(62))


theta = 52.7 degrees

confidence assessment: 3




Since dot product = product of magnitudes * cos(theta) we have cos(theta) = dot product / product of magnitudes. In the preceding problem we found the magnitudes of the vectors to be sqrt(45) and sqrt(76). So if we can find the dot product we can find the cosine of the angle and therefore the angle.

The dot product is again the sum of the products of the invidual components, in this case 2 * (-3) + 4 * 7 + 5 * 2 = 32.

Thus we have

cos(theta) = 32 / ( sqrt(45) * sqrt(76) ) and

theta = arccos[ 32 / (sqrt(45) * sqrt(76) ) = 56.8 deg, approx..

Note that these vectors can actually be constructed in 3-dimensional space, and if the construction is accurate the angle will be as indicated.



Ok, my angle is off a little because I have the magnitude of vector w to be sqrt(62)

self critique assessment:




`q007. Calculate the angle between the two vectors < 1, 7, -3, 4 > and < -3, -5, 2, 7 > .



cos(theta) = (1x-3+7x-5+-3x2+4x7)/(sqrt(75)sqrt(87))


theta = 101 degrees

confidence assessment: 3




As before we find that theta = arccos ( dot product / product of magnitudes ). In this case

theta = arccos [ (1 * -3 + 7 * -5 + -3 * 2 + 4 * 7) / ( sqrt(1^2 + 7^2 + (-3)^2 + 4^2 ) * sqrt( (-3)^2 + (-5)^2 + 2^2 + 7^2 ) ] =

arccos[ -16 / 80.8 ] =

101 degrees, approx..

Note that though these vectors occur in 4 dimensions and hence cannot be constructed in 3-dimensional space the calculation of the angle between them, extending in the most obvious manner the procedures of the preceding problems, give us a result with just a little additional calculation.




self critique assessment:




Your work looks very good. Let me know if you have any questions. &#