course mth164 There are 2 submissions before this one. I kept hitting enter instead of tab to go to the next box by mistake. Sorry.
08:14:38 Query 10.4.20 (5th ed 10.3.20) solve using determinants -x + 2y = 5, 4x - 8y = 6.
RESPONSE --> ok confidence assessment:
08:18:20 What is your solution?
RESPONSE --> The determinant is zero The lines are parallel so there is no solution confidence assessment: 3
08:20:10 Give the rows, one at a time (i.e., Enter between rows), for the determinant in the numerator of your solution for y, and give the determinant.
RESPONSE --> -1 5 4 6 determinant = -26 confidence assessment: 3
08:20:37 Give the rows, one at a time (i.e., Enter between rows), for the determinant in the denominator of your solution for y, and give the determinant.
RESPONSE --> -1 2 4 -8 determinant = 0 confidence assessment: 3
08:21:41 Query 10.4.30 (5th ed 10.3.30) solve using determinants x - y + z = -4, 2x - 3y + 4z = -15, 5x + y - 2z = 12.
RESPONSE --> ok confidence assessment:
08:22:28 What is your solution?
RESPONSE --> (1, 3, - 2) confidence assessment: 3
08:24:02 Give the rows, one at a time (i.e., Enter between rows), for the determinant in the numerator of your solution for z, and give the determinant.
RESPONSE --> 1 -1 -4 2 -3 -15 5 1 12 Determinant = 10 confidence assessment: 3
08:26:55 Explain in detail how you evaluated to determinant.
RESPONSE --> 1 * determinant [[-3,-15],[1,12]] - (-1) * det [[2,-15],[5,12]] + (-4)*det[[2,-3],[5,1]] confidence assessment: 3
08:27:43 Give the rows, one at a time (i.e., Enter between rows), for the determinant in the denominator of your solution for z, and give the determinant.
RESPONSE --> 1 -1 1 2 -3 4 5 1 -2 det=-5 confidence assessment: 3
08:28:31 Query 10.5.6 (5th ed 10.4.6) A = [ [ 0,3,-5], [1,2,6] ]; B = [ [4,1,0], [-2,3,-2] ], C = [ [4,1], [6,2], [-2,3] ].
RESPONSE --> ok confidence assessment:
08:30:34 What did you obtain for the expression 2A + 4B?
RESPONSE --> 2[[0,3,-5],[1,2,6]] + 4[[4,1,0],[-2,3,-2]]= [[16, 10, -10],[-6, 16, 4]] confidence assessment: 3
08:30:59 Query 10.5.10 (5th ed 10.4.10) A = [ [ 0,3,-5], [1,2,6] ]; B = [ [4,1,0], [-2,3,-2] ], C = [ [4,1], [6,2], [-2,3] ].
RESPONSE --> ok confidence assessment:
08:31:44 What did you obtain for the expression CB?
RESPONSE --> [[14, 7, -2],[20, 12, -4],[-14, 7, -6]] confidence assessment: 3
08:31:58 Query 10.5.12 (5th ed 10.4.12) A = [ [ 0,3,-5], [1,2,6] ]; B = [ [4,1,0], [-2,3,-2] ], C = [ [4,1], [6,2], [-2,3] ].
RESPONSE --> ok confidence assessment:
08:33:43 What did you obtain for the expression C(A+B)?
RESPONSE --> I added the two matrices together first then multiplied by matrix C and got [[15, 21, -16],[22, 34, -22],[-11, 7, 22]] confidence assessment: 3
08:34:30 Query 10.5.44 (5th ed 10.4.44) solve using inverse matrix x + 2z = 6, -x + 2y + 3z = -5, x - y = 6.
RESPONSE --> ok confidence assessment:
08:35:11 What is your solution?
RESPONSE --> (4, -2, 1) confidence assessment: 3
08:36:05 What is your inverse matrix?
RESPONSE --> [[3, -2, -4],[3, -2, -5],[-1, 1, 2]] confidence assessment: 3
08:36:42 Give the rows, one at a time (i.e., Enter after each row), of the matrix you reduced to obtain the inverse.
RESPONSE --> 1 0 2 -1 2 3 1 -1 0 confidence assessment: 3
08:58:17 Give the series of row operations you used to obtain your inverse matrix.
RESPONSE --> r1+r2 =r2 r3-r1=r3 gives 1 0 2 | 1 0 0 0 2 5 | 1 1 0 0 -1 -2 | -1 0 1 2r3+r2=r3 1 0 2 | 1 0 0 0 2 5 | 1 1 0 0 0 1 | -1 1 2 -2r3+r1=r1 -5r3+r2=r2 1 0 0 | 3 -2 -4 0 2 0 | 6 -4 -10 0 0 1 | -1 1 2 r2/2=r2 1 0 0 | 3 -2 -4 0 1 0 | 3 -2 -5 0 0 1 | -1 1 2 confidence assessment: 3
08:58:48 Comm on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.
RESPONSE --> Finding the inverse can be tedious and it is so easy to make a mistake since there can be so many row operations to make. confidence assessment: