course mth164 ÔñŸÂŠWŒÁ鎅öòï°ªºÆ˜˜assignment #017
13:12:13 Query 11.3.26 a = -2, r = 4.
RESPONSE --> ok confidence assessment:
13:13:09 Give the 5th term and the nth term of the geometric sequence.
RESPONSE --> -512 confidence assessment: 3
13:14:27 Query 11.3.42 sum (4 * 3^(k-1), k, 1, 4)
RESPONSE --> ok confidence assessment:
13:14:57 Give the sum and explain how you obtained it.
RESPONSE --> 160 I used the formula 4((1-3^4)/(1-3)) confidence assessment: 3
13:16:32 Query 11.3.66 (5th edition 70) ball dropped from 30 feet, .8 of height on each bounce.
RESPONSE --> ok confidence assessment:
13:17:36 What height will the ball bounce to after the third time it hits the ground and how did you obtain your answer?
RESPONSE --> 15.36 feet confidence assessment: 3
13:18:11 What height will the ball bounce to after the nth time it hits the ground and how did you obtain your answer?
RESPONSE --> 30(.8^n) confidence assessment: 3
13:19:59 After how many bounces will ball's height first be less than six inches?
RESPONSE --> 19 bounces confidence assessment: 3
13:20:34 What total distance to the ball travel before it stops bouncing?
RESPONSE --> 150 feet confidence assessment: 3
13:22:33 Query 11.5.6 evaluate the expression C(100,98).
RESPONSE --> ok confidence assessment:
13:22:52 What did you obtain when you evaluate the expression, and how did you obtain it?
RESPONSE --> 4950 I used my calculator 100 nCr 98 confidence assessment: 3
13:23:05 Query 11.5.18 expand (2x+3)^5.
RESPONSE --> ok confidence assessment:
13:26:21 What do you get when you expand the expression, and how did you used Binomial Theorem to obtain your result?
RESPONSE --> 32x^5+240x^4+720x^3+1080x^2+810x+243 I used the binomial theorem to find what to multiply the terms by in each exponent. confidence assessment: 2
13:26:36 Query 11.5.32 third term in expansion of (x-3)^7.
RESPONSE --> ok confidence assessment:
13:27:47 What is the third term in your expansion, and how did you use the Binomial Theorem to obtain the result?
RESPONSE --> 189x^5 I found C(7,2) and multiplied it by (-3)^2 to get the coefficient of x^5 confidence assessment: 3
13:28:15 Comm on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.
RESPONSE --> It was tedious to expand the next to the last problem but easier than if you had to do it by hand. confidence assessment: