course Phy 201
ball down ramp (8-count and TIMER)uses: ball, ramp, domino, TIMER program
Time a ball from rest down a 30 cm ramp with the end of the ramp supported at one end, as indicated in each of three setups:
* by a domino on its flat side, then
12 count
* by a domino on its long edge, then
3 count
* by a domino on its short edge.
6 count
Use your 8-count,previously calibrated by tracking the number of repeated 8-counts you can complete in 20 seconds.
Then repeat using the TIMER. For each setup do 3 timings and report the one in the middle.
What were the thickness, width and length of your domino?
Thickness .5cm
Length 5cm
How far from the end of the ramp resting on the table was the point where the domino contacted the ramp?
How many 8-counts do you complete in 20 seconds?
What are your times for the three setups according to your 8-count, in seconds?
1.5 seconds
.375 seconds
.75 seconds
What are your times for the three setups according to the TIMER?
Explain how you obtained your times:
Well I counted with the 8 count when the ball moved and stopped when it reached the end of the ramp. And with the timer program I clicked start when the ball moved and stop when it hit the end of the ramp.
Good data.
Be sure to include at least one sample calculation for each question (for example, when asked to find the acceleration for three setups, indicate how you did one of the calculuations, then just give your results for the other two).
For each setup, according to your 8-counts, what was the time in seconds for the ball to travel from one end of the ramp to the other? Explain your calculations, and give your results.
What were the resulting average velocities?
What were the resulting average accelerations, assuming acceleration to have been uniform?
For each setup what was the time according to the TIMER program?
What were the resulting average velocities?
What were the resulting average accelerations, assuming acceleration to have been uniform?
Describe how it might be possible for someone to 'think' him- or herself into errors on the 8-count.
Describe how it might be possible for someone to 'think' him- or herself into errors using the TIMER.
What do you estimate to be your percent error on the 8-count?