question form


Materials List for Mth 173-174

The text was created by its author.

All other materials used in the course, unless otherwise attributed, were created by David A. Smith, Virginia Highlands Community College, hereafter referred to as ""the instructor"".

The text is Calculus Single Variable, latest edition by Hughes-Hallet etc. 4th or 3d edition can also be supported; email instructor for details. ISBN of 5th edition is 978-0470089149

The DVDs containing video lectures are available in the VHCC bookstore.

Playing the videos

Nearly any Windows computer will be equipped to play the videos. Computers running other operating systems might not be so equipped.

If your computer is not equipped to play these videos, there are a number of free players that will do so. It is up to you to decide which one best meets your needs.

When I ask for recommendations, the one player that is almost universally recommended is the VLC Player. If you search for VLC player you will easily be able to find and evaluate it. The current website is ; however the site could well change without my being aware of it, so if the link doesn't work do the search.

To contact the VHCC bookstore call 276-739-2400 and ask for the bookstore.

Materials for Collaborative Investigations

Your course includes collaborative investigations.

Email your instructor with your mailing address and the materials will be sent to you. Be sure the instructor acknowledges your email, as email can be unreliable. Since your address is regarded here as protected information, we will use email to exchange this information.

" "The reason I am asking is because this is what is stated in the initial activities. I have emailed you and the form I filled out for lab materials was linked to a physics page. I just wanted to make 100% sure that there is not another form I need to fill out, because I have submitted that materials request twice. Sorry if this is a bother, but I sent that email with my address because that is what it says." ""



The error was mine.

Your course does not include collaborative investigations and no materials need to be sent, though you do want to get the DVD's from the bookstore.

I'll note that the bookstore seems to be out of DVD's; I've requested to have another batch copied and expect to be able to get them to the bookstore tomorrow (Tuesday).



The error was mine.

Your course does not include collaborative investigations and no materials need to be sent, though you do want to get the DVD's from the bookstore.

The note about collaborative investigations does apply to physics courses, but should not have appeared on the page for your course. I've made the correction, and I apologize for the confusion.

I'll note that the bookstore seems to be out of DVD's; I've requested to have another batch copied and expect to be able to get them to the bookstore tomorrow (Tuesday).
