course Mth 163 assignment #001001. `query1 Precalculus I 01-29-2009
13:44:44 `questionNumber 10000 Query Introduction to General Themes; Examples (no summary needed) What were some of the things in this introduction that you found interesting or surprising?
RESPONSE --> I found it interesting that I didn't really sit and think out each math problem until now. confidence assessment: 1
13:48:12 `questionNumber 10000 Query Introductory Flow Experiment (no summary needed) Is the depth changing at a regular rate, at a faster and faster rate, or at a slower and slower rate? Support your conclusion.
RESPONSE --> The depth is changing at a slower rate because as the pictures continue one after another there is less water visible than the one prior to it. confidence assessment: 0
13:53:32 `questionNumber 10000 What does the graph of depth vs. clock time look like? Is it increasing or decreasing? Does the rate of increase or decrease speed up or slow down? Does your graph intercept the y axis? Does it intercept the x axis? How would you describe its overall shape?
RESPONSE --> It shows how the water flow decreases after each time interval. The water flow also slows down after every time interval is changed. After so many time intervals the graph intersects both the x and y axises. The overall basic shape is a curved line. confidence assessment: 1