Assignment 5 Complete

course Phy201

h?~???????????assignment #005005. `query 5

Physics I




Intro Prob 6 Intro Prob 6 How do you find final velocity and displacement given initial velocity, acceleration and time interval?



vf = 2*vAve - v0

`ds = vAve * `dt

confidence assessment: 3




** To find final velocity from the given quantities initial velocity, acceleration and `dt:

Multiply `dt by accel to get `dv.

Then add change in velocity `dv to init vel , and you have the final velocity**




self critique assessment: 3




Describe the flow diagram we obtain for the situation in which we know v0, vf and `dt.



with v0, vf, and `dt on the top level. v0 and vf connect to `dv on the second level. `dt and `dv connect to a on the second level. v0 and vf connect to vAve on the top level, vAve and `dt connect to `ds on the top level.

confidence assessment: 2




** The flow diagram shows us the flow of information, what we get from what, usually by combining two quantites at a time. How we get each quantity may also be included.

From vf and v0 we get `dv, shown by lines from vf and v0 at the top level to `dv. From vf and v0 we also get and vAve, shown by similar lines running from v0 and vf to vAve.

Then from vAve and `dt we get `ds, with the accompanying lines indicating from vAve and `dt to `ds, while from `dv and `dt we get acceleration, indicated similarly. **



That is exactly what I have, I just don't know which level to label them.

There's no hard and fast rule about levels, just that the result should generally go below the quantities used to find it.

self critique assessment: 3




Principles of Physics and General College Physics Students: Prob. 1.26: Estimate how long it would take a runner at 10 km / hr to run from New York to California. Explain your solution thoroughly.



1km is approximately .6miles

The distance from NY to CA is approx. 3000 miles therefore, 3000miles * (1hr/6mi) = 500 hours

confidence assessment: 3




It is about 3000 miles from coast to coast. A km is about .62 mile, so 3000 miles * 1 km / (.62 miles) = 5000 km, approximately.

At 10 km / hr, the time required would be 5000 km / (10 km / hr) = 500 km / (km/hr) = 500 km * (hr / km) = 500 (km / km) * hr = 500 hr.




self critique assessment: 3




All Students: Estimate the number heartbeats in a lifetime. What assumptions did you make to estimate the number of heartbeats in a human lifetime, and how did you obtain your final result?



The typical resting heart rate is 70beats/min with a average lifespan of 70 years which is approximately 2*10^9 seconds.

Assuming that you are always resting the the total number of beats would be

70beats/min * (1min/60s) * 2*10^9 s => 2.3 *10^9 beats in a lifetime or 2,333,333,333 beats.

confidence assessment: 3




** Typical assumptions: At 70 heartbeats per minute, with a lifetime of 80 years, we have 70 beats / minute * 60 minutes/hour * 24 hours / day * 365 days / year * 80 years = 3 billion, approximately. **




self critique assessment: 3




University Physics Students Only: Problem 1.52 (i.e., Chapter 1, Problem 52): Angle between -2i+6j and 2i - 3j. What angle did you obtain between the two vectors?




confidence assessment: 0




** For the given vectors we have

dot product =-2 * 2 + 6 * (-3) = -22

magnitude of first vector = sqrt( (-2)^2 + 6^2) = sqrt(40)

magnitude of second vector = sqrt( 2^2 + (-3)^2 ) = sqrt(13)

Since dot product = magnitude of 1 st vector * magnitude of 2d vector * cos(theta) we have

cos(theta) = dot product / (magnitude of 1 st vector * magnitude of 2d vector) so that

theta = arccos [ dot product / (magnitude of 1 st vector * magnitude of 2d vector) ]

= arccos[ -22 / ( sqrt(40) * sqrt(13) ) ] = arccos ( -.965) = 164 degrees, approx.. **




self critique assessment: 0




Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.




self critique assessment: 3




** I had to get a little help from a friend on vectors, but now I think I understand them. They are not as difficult to deal with as I thought. **




self critique assessment: 3



This looks good. Let me know if you have any questions. &#