Assignment 33

course Mth 151

Ashley Stocton Assignment 3.3Access Code:

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5. If it is a picture, then it tells a story 6. If it is boot camp, then all marines love it. 9. If he is Running Bear, then he loves Little White Dove. 10. If it is an opium-eater, then it cannot have self-command 12. true 15. false 18. true 20. if the antecedent is true, then the consequent is true and the statement is true 21. true 24. false 25. true 27. if they do not raise monkeys, then he trains ponies 30. if she has a snake for a pet and he trains ponies, then they raise monkeys 33. r to b 35. ~b to ~r 36. p (upside down V) r to ~b 39. ~r to b 40. p to r 42. true 45. true 48. false 50. true 51. true 54. (~q (upside down V) p) V r 55. TTTF 57. TTFT 60. FTFTFT 63. TTTTTTFT 65. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTFT 66. 3 69. the English measures aren’t converted to metric measures and the spacecraft does not crash on the surface of Mars 70. if you say “I do,” then you will not be happy for the rest of your life 72. if loving you is wrong, I do want to be right 75. she does or he will 78. not all women were once girls 80. not equivalent 81. equivalent 84. equivalent 85. not equivalent 87. (p (upside down V) q) V (p (upside down V) ~q); the statement simplifies to p 90. (p (upside down V) q) (upside down V) ~p V q 93. the statement simplifies to p (upside down V) q 95. the statement simplifies to F 96. cannot draw 99. the statement simplifies to p V q 100. cannot draw "

Your work has not been reviewed. Please notify your instructor of the error, using the Submit Work form, and be sure to include the date 04-25-2006.

Your work on this assignment is good. Let me know if you have questions.