
course phy231


Let me know the specifics if anything is not clear.

I'm a little rusty on my integration

i'm trying to find the integral of F= 1 Kg*9.8m/s*(Rearth/r)^2 I'm not really sure how or where i should start to do it long hand but using my calculator I'm also not sure if I am using the proper interval for the problem to get the

The area under the graph of y = f(x) vs. x, between x = a and x = b, is the integral of f(x) dx with integration limits a and b.

If the graph is of F(r) vs. r, where F(r) represents the force at distance r, then r takes the place of x and the integration limits are on r rather than x.


What is the expression that needs to be integrated? What are the limits on the integral? What parts of your integrand are constant factors that can be brought outside the integral? What's left inside the integral? What kind of function is that? What is the rule for integrating that type of function?

The basic rules for integration are covered in the program q_a_cal1_1_13 or something very much like that. Go to sup study ... > course documents and quickly run the q_a_prelim (just open and close it, don't bother to answer anything). Then go to ... course documents > downloads > physics I and download and run the q_a_ for at least Asst 11.