angular accel experiment

course phy 231

I actually calculated the angular acceleration this time and they are very close but yet again as unexpected the one with the magnets laying down had a greater rate of slowing down than the one with the upright magnets.Also I took test number one and was wonder how long you think it will be before you can get around to grading it?

Good work, but I think you have an error on your mean angular acceleration for the second setup. There is only one result below your reported mean of -.20 rad/s^2, while there are five that are further above that value. I believe the mean should be more like -.28 rad/s^2, and if you throw out the highest and lowest values it comes out closer to -.29 rad/s^2.

What is the standard deviation of your angular accelerations? Looking at them I would guess the standard deviation runs around .02 rad/s^2 for the first setup, and around .04 or .05 rad/s^2 for the second.

With standard deviations of this magnitude, the medians or the means you get when you eliminate the extreme values (e.g., throw out the greatest and least angular accelerations for each setup) would have to differ by at least .05 or to give you a statistically significant difference.

I don't think the means differ by that much, so I believe that 6 trials on each is not enough to establish any statistically significant difference at all.

This is not too surprising; there isn't that much surface area involved so there isn't that much air resistance involved.

I actually calculated the angular acceleration this time and they are very close but yet again as unexpected the one with the magnets laying down had a greater rate of slowing down than the one with the upright magnets.Also I took test number one and was wonder how long you think it will be before you can get around to grading it?" " Ave angular accel r/sec for less air resistance -2.003527601 -2 Ave angular accel r/sec for more air resistance -1.560268949 -1.6 With the magnets uprigth you would expect more air resistance there fore a greater angular accel but in this case there seems to be less angular accel on average in the trials with the magnets upright. I see now that I graphed the position vs. clock time as apposed to the velocity vs. trial 1 `dt Trial 2 `dt Trial 3 `dt Trial 4 `dt Trial 5 `dt Trial 6 `dt Trial 7 `dt Trial 8 `dt Trial 9 `dt Trial 10 `dt Trial 11 `dt Trial 12 `dt clock time therefore I achieved the wrong 8.21 4.24 7.19 3.84 9.61 5.83 6.28 3.71 4.09 6.31 7.34 6.05 answer. 8.53 4.36 7.06 3.98 9.87 5.23 6.32 3.77 4.16 6.43 7.3 6.3 8.33 4.24 7.24 3.82 9.67 5.83 6.01 3.84 3.97 6.47 7.39 6.09 8.21 4.21 7.01 3.71 9.59 5.5 6.3 3.77 3.94 6.47 7.22 5.99 8.21 4.19 7.25 3.97 9.65 5.82 6.25 3.93 3.98 6.54 7.31 6.05 8.25 4.37 7.04 3.64 9.64 5.79 6.11 2.82 3.93 6.49 7.27 6.12 49.74 25.61 42.79 22.96 58.03 34 37.27 21.84 24.07 38.71 43.83 36.6 Ave. `dt 8.29 4.268333333 7.131666667 3.826666667 9.671666667 5.666666667 6.211666667 3.64 4.011666667 6.451666667 7.305 6.1 Angular `ds in degrees 1125 305 885 280 1743 590 800 192 290 679 542 629 Angular `ds in radians 19.63495408 5.323254219 15.44616388 4.886921906 30.42108886 10.29744259 13.96263402 3.351032164 5.061454831 11.85078562 9.459684546 10.978121 Ave angular accel r/sec -2.368510746 -1.247150539 -2.165856118 -1.277070184 -3.145382271 -1.817195751 -2.247807998 -0.920613232 -1.261683797 -1.836856464 -1.294960239 -1.799691966 To achieve ave ang accel I need to divide the angular vel. By the `dt again and that will give me that ave ang accel. Therefore -0.285706966 -0.292186772 -0.303695646 -0.333729142 -0.325216158 -0.320681603 -0.361868741 -0.252915723 -0.314503647 -0.284710379 -0.177270395 -0.29503147 Then I need to find the average of the first six trials and the second six trials Therefore First 6 trials aAve angular = -0.310202715 Second six trials aAve angular = -0.204053264 "