Very quick turn-around on this experiment. Good questions.
However note that you have apparently calculated average angular velocities, and haven't yet calculated accelerations.
I expect a lot of variation in angular accelerations for both experiments. With as much variation as we will likely see here, we probably still won't be able to tell much from only 6 observations of each system.
Calculate the average angular accelerations and see if significant differences emerge.
For some reason my findings do not seem to support what one would think with the magnets upright which should give more wind resistance. Here are my findings." "
Ave angular accel r/sec for less air resistance -2.003527601 -2
Ave angular accel r/sec for more air resistance -1.560268949 -1.6
With the magnets uprigth you would expect
more air resistance there fore a greater
angular accel but in this case there seems
to be less angular accel on average in the
trials with the magnets upright.
trial 1 `dt Trial 2 `dt Trial 3 `dt Trial 4 `dt Trial 5 `dt Trial 6 `dt Trial 7 `dt Trial 8 `dt Trial 9 `dt Trial 10 `dt Trial 11 `dt Trial 12 `dt
8.21 4.24 7.19 3.84 9.61 5.83 6.28 3.71 4.09 6.31 7.34 6.05
8.53 4.36 7.06 3.98 9.87 5.23 6.32 3.77 4.16 6.43 7.3 6.3
8.33 4.24 7.24 3.82 9.67 5.83 6.01 3.84 3.97 6.47 7.39 6.09
8.21 4.21 7.01 3.71 9.59 5.5 6.3 3.77 3.94 6.47 7.22 5.99
8.21 4.19 7.25 3.97 9.65 5.82 6.25 3.93 3.98 6.54 7.31 6.05
8.25 4.37 7.04 3.64 9.64 5.79 6.11 2.82 3.93 6.49 7.27 6.12
49.74 25.61 42.79 22.96 58.03 34 37.27 21.84 24.07 38.71 43.83 36.6
Ave. `dt
8.29 4.268333333 7.131666667 3.826666667 9.671666667 5.666666667
6.211666667 3.64 4.011666667 6.451666667 7.305 6.1
Angular `ds in degrees
1125 305 885 280 1743 590
800 192 290 679 542 629
Angular `ds in radians
19.63495408 5.323254219 15.44616388 4.886921906 30.42108886 10.29744259
13.96263402 3.351032164 5.061454831 11.85078562 9.459684546 10.978121
Ave angular accel r/sec
-2.368510746 -1.247150539 -2.165856118 -1.277070184 -3.145382271 -1.817195751
-2.247807998 -0.920613232 -1.261683797 -1.836856464 -1.294960239 -1.799691